♦ Tristan Ending | мåяïσηєттє

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You choose to find Reese
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It's obvious what I'd do. The idea of even considering another path is absurd.

She was going to go and find Reese. She always would and always have, even if it meant that choice could make things go horribly wrong for her.

Without wasting another second, (Y/n) ran into the gaping space between the two halves of the magnificent painting. The stairs were firm under her feet, unyielding and stubborn like her will. The sounds of the boys' voices waned into a hush, before vanishing into nothingness entirely. The silence that fell around her was like a curtain, a veil pulled before her eyes. It was the kind of silence that appeared right before a poor fellow got knifed from the back. It was not the comforting type.

The stairs were a perfect arrow that stretched downwards in the distance. The light faded into dim darkness before rising up again, forcing the shadowy army into a retreat. After what felt like an eternity of half-running and half-tripping down the stairs, she was finally able to break free of the staircase's darkness and step into the light.

The basement was the same as she'd remembered. This time, she'd arrived from the other end of the red and black hallway instead of where the elevator was. From where she was, the elevator looked perfectly normal but she knew better, knew of the rubble within it contained.

Her eyes skimmed over the doors lining the walls until they landed on the one she was sure had to be Reese's. Second door down from the end of the hallway, she repeated in her head. The gate should be unlocked. All I need to do is use the key on the wooden door. All the doors looked the same, wood with golden door knobs, but only one was the one she was looking for.

"Reese?" She ran over to the door without hesitating. She pulled the slender key out of her pocket, fumbling with it a little as she tried to insert it into the lock. The whole time she was doing this she was looking over her shoulder, half-expecting one of the boys to come down here and catch her red-handed in the act. That wasn't something she wanted to deal with right now. 

The key slid into the keyhole and turned easily with a soft click. Relief flowed out of her as she swung open the door, opening her mouth to greet the red-haired male inside with one of her smarta** replies, only to stop short.

It was his room and the gate was, in fact, unlocked. Everything was the way she remembered from the first time Tristan took her down here to see him—from the opened magazines lying facedown on the floor to the rumpled blankets on the bed. Reese had been able to turn his cell into a disastrous clutter and a fire hazard in the time he's stayed here, yet he himself was not there.

"Reese?" She called again, daring to step into the room. "Are you there?"

No response. All she heard was the faint echo of cluttering that had followed her down the staircase from some unseen phantom that shadowed her. (Y/n) stepped fully into the room and kicked a stool over to the door to make sure it didn't close on its own when she least expected it. And then she began her search for the red-haired male, the search leading her to the adjoined bathroom.

She didn't find him, but she did find many bottles of shampoo, empty and filled ones, littering the floor. Shampoo leaked out of the bottles and merged into a small pool in the middle of the bathroom. The pinkish color gave her chills—the sight reminded her too much of blood. 

Flashbacks of her friends' bodies—Nicholas' horrified expression when he was killed, Wei Wei's bullet-ridden corpse, Nova's mangled body slumped against the door, Carmen's broken one against the grass, and Lucinda's gentle smile as her throat was slit—rose up all at once like a horde of relentless demons that clawed and bit at her legs, doing their utmost best to drag her down with them.

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