entry #9 | ¢σσкïєѕ

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Don't we all love spending a whole hour sweating and laboring over a sport we don't even like?

(Y/n) was on the verge of seizing the volleyball from Wei Wei's hands and throwing it out the window. Or better yet, impaling it onto one of the start stakes making up the iron gates surrounding the school campus. You know, like how those tyrannical rulers and generals would do to the heads of their enemies.

A little graphic, but you get the picture.

Glaring at the white ball in the other girl's hands, she reluctantly got into position, bending her knees and leaning forward just a little. She joined her hands together in front of her body with the inside of her wrists facing up.

Now imagine that ball not as a volleyball but a metal spike. Now imagine it spearing through her wrist, tearing through the flesh and arteries to the bone beneath it. That was how her body was feeling at that moment.

Dramatic? You can't blame her. (Y/n) has been hanging around Reese for a long time, after all.

Wei Wei's face was the picture of worry and care as she rotated the ball in her hands. "Um, (Y/n)?"

The (h/c)-haired girl looked up. "Yes?"

"A-are you okay?"

She offered the taller girl a thumbs-up. "Just peachy."

She wasn't okay.

As someone who preferred spending her time indoors and lazing about, having to actually work in P.E. due to their spartan of a teacher was hell. Brutal, painful hell. Her calculations allowed her to move significantly less than the other students and consequently sweat less, but it was still a lot of work.

Who even likes running and jumping around for an hour straight?

After covering the basics in their previous class—well, more like him dismissively throwing it at them—Mr. Johnson for some unknown reason decided it was a smart idea to start the games the second day.

Let's get a round of applause for our muscle-brain of a teacher's intelligence, (Y/n) seethed mentally. Feel free to clap your hands. Over your eyes, that is.

All around her, many of her classmates were either sweating buckets or passed out. Or failing miserably at the sport. It was usually the third option.

Keep in mind she's spent too much time than what is deemed healthy with the alien named Reese Grayson.

(Y/n) swept her eyes over her team which consisted of six players. Unfortunately, none of them included Wei Wei. The black-haired girl was placed on the opposite team and being one of the tallest people there, she was the closest to the net. (Y/n) was the furthest.

Her teammates looked just as unmotivated as she was, if not more, especially given that one of them had a familiar mane of long, golden hair. She was—

She was...

Um. Well, this is awkward, (Y/n) sweatdropped. I don't remember any of their faces. As someone who got by in life by identifying people by their hair colors and hairstyles, attending a school in the UK filled with blondes was proving to be rather difficult for the quiet girl. The only reason she could distinguish her friends from a crowd is due to their hair colors. 

Reese with long, crimson hair, Lucinda with white-gold locks, Carmen with brown hair and blonde highlights, Isla with lavender hair, and Jasper...

Well, Jasper was Jasper. He never dyed his hair entirely, but he changed the color of his highlights every month. 

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