entry #42 | ¢яуρтσ

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Of all the faces she expected to see, the white-haired male's was nowhere near the top of her list. The male in question was standing before her with that familiar arrogant pose of his; hands shoved into pockets, his entire stance casual, but his eyes holding a wicked gleam that overlooked nothing. 

She made a face. "No really. Why are you here? If you wanted to go to a strip club, you were given the wrong address."

He cracked an amused grin. "Are you suggesting you'd strip for me?"

"Ew, no," she made gagging sounds. "And stop changing the subject. Why are you here?"

Kieran shrugged. "Can't I come to see my favorite person?"

"If by 'favorite person' you mean this girl right here who's about to make you melt for real in a toaster, then sure, I got you."

"Is everything coming out of your mouth an insult?"

(Y/n) copied his shrug. "Ever heard of freedom of speech?"

His smile widened. "And you tell me to shut up."

He has a point. "Psh, you're an exception. Everything that comes out of your mouth is some kind of innuendo."

"You're interested in what goes in my mouth now?" He gave her that same half-smirk that reminded her of a serpent beguiling its prey. "I'm more than happy to show you—"

Her face flushed involuntarily despite her efforts. "See what I mean?!"

"You're the one who asked," he grinned.

"I never asked you to interpret my words however you like," (Y/n) muttered in irritation. Then she sighed, losing some of the hard edges in her voice. "In all seriousness, snowman, why are you and Jay both here at once—"

"Leaving out the prick and Leo-chan now too?"

She nearly choked on her breath. "Who and what are here?"

He raised a finger and waggled it at her, his bright eyes dancing with amusement. "You mean what and who. I respect Leo-chan as a person"—(Y/n) nearly laughed out loud at this—"But the prick is a little..." He made a cringing sound.

"Hard to deal with?" She suggested. "Overbearing? Wannabe dictator? Arrogant like you? An ice pick?"

"Yes, yes, yes, and no. I wouldn't call myself arrogant—"

"The first time we met you thought I wanted to get in your pants," (Y/n) stated flatly. "That's either being a d*ck or arrogant, make your choice."

He raised a hand. "Can I—"


"What happened to freedom of speech?!"

They traveled up a flight of stairs and across another section of the hallway of Spring Hall towards a room the (h/c)-haired girl hadn't even known existed. It was austere with blank walls and barely any furniture save for the photographs on the walls and a few chairs here and there. There was a wooden podium with a microphone resting on it in the front of the room. Facing it were large, bright windows with the shades drawn. Even through the fabric, the sunlight was blinding.

She surveyed the room with wide-eyed curiosity. Kieran lingered near the doorway, his eyes on her as she approached a bookshelf on one wall of the room and pulled a book from it. Surprising to no one, it was Shakespeare. Her head turned to her companion to ask him where they were, but the volume and depths of his golden eyes made her hesitate and look away.

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