entry #27 | ℓσσρ

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"You think you're hot stuff or something, getting ahead of yourself like that?

There was a surprised yell and the sound of a body hitting brick as a familiar black-haired girl was shoved into the wall. Wei Wei coughed at the impact and rubbed her bruising cheek. She glared up defiantly at her attacker, her dark eyes two poisonous pits promising nothing but vengeance.

But the girls weren't fazed. Because this time, they had backup. A group of male students from Summer Hall, each with their own connections and love of fistfights. They were in the abandoned school building behind the main one, surrounded by dusty gray walls and the sound of water dripping echoing through the hallways. The perfect place to get rid of people you wanted to get rid of.

Mackenzie stepped out from the rest and bent down, seizing the Asian girl's chin and lifting it up. "Did you think you deserve Jay or something?" She sneered cruelly, a devious glint in her eye. "Did you fancy yourself remotely pretty or something, allowing you to get off like that with me? I'll have to remind you exactly who you've chosen to mess with, b*tch."

Wei Wei's face twisted into one of contempt. "If my old man sees a single scratch on me, you're going to have hell to pay."

The guys looked at each other worriedly until Mackenzie fired a scathing look at them, silencing them. "You don't have to worry about that, sweetie," the blonde smiled. "You can't tell your daddy what happened if you can't use your voice or hands, can you?"

The tall girl shrank closer to the wall, her confident mask beginning to crumble. "W-what are you talking about? I'm not afraid of you, Taylor."

"Oh, but you should be. I can show you just how terrifying I can be. Girls," she snapped her fingers. One of her cronies handed a capped glass bottle to her. Mackenzie turned back to the fallen girl with a dangerous look in her pale eyes. "You all think I'm just another blonde bimbo who bought her way into this school. You forget I was chosen to come here because of my excellence in chemistry."

Wei Wei did not like where this was going. Not one bit.

"Hydrochloric acid," the blonde purred, swirling the clear liquid in the jar around. "We're given low concentrations to work with in the lab, but it can still be proven fatal when applied. What do you think happens if we raise the concentration to, I don't know, forty percent?"

"You can't get away with this—"

"But I can. Hold her, boys."

"No, stop—!" A hand over her mouth muffled her voice. Wei Wei kicked, scratched, and bit in an attempt to free herself. But even with as strong as she was, she didn't stand a chance against three guys from Summer Hall. They wrenched her to a kneeling position and pulled her arms painfully behind her. The third one pulled her head back by her hair.

One of the girls stepped closer to Mackenzie. "Mackenzie, I hate that b*tch and everything," she began slowly. "But what if this kills her? 'Cause, I don't know what hydro-whatever does, but isn't it a poison?"

"It's an acid, Yvonne," Mackenzie rolled her eyes. "It'll mess up her mouth and esophagus, as well as her respiratory system. If we give her just enough, she won't die, you idiot. Now hold her tight. And let go of her mouth, you fool."

"Mmph!" Wei Wei screamed into the hand that muffled her. The boy quickly let go of her face and gripped her neck instead to keep her in place. Tears leaked out from the corner of her eyes as she thrashed, shoving an elbow into one of her captor's ribs, making him double over with a grunt.

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