entry #64 | тσя

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The moments that followed were a blur. She recalled trying to move away, go anywhere, just someplace away from the male but forgetting only empty space would meet her feet. Then she was falling and tumbling, her hands grabbing onto thin air as she lost her balance and fell out the window.

All the bad luck that she was due for that day seemed to catch up on her all at once as she fell right on her head.

The last thing she saw was Jaehyun's panic-stricken face as he darted towards her, trying to save her, only for his fingertips to brush against the air. And then she was falling, the world turning black as soon as the impact came.

When she woke up, she was in a room she hadn't seen yet. The walls, like most of the other ones in the building, were white. It was a black and white room decorated modestly with not much but the basic bedroom necessities.

And there were the four of them, worry etched across their faces despite their attempts to hide it. Jaehyun was crouched by the bed and had his arms folded on it, his head resting in his arms. Kieran and Leon were in the room too, the first looking awfully grim and the second sending swift glares at the blond.

Tristan entered the room with a glass of water. His aquamarine eyes immediately went to her opening eyes and relief filled his face. "You're awake." He came to her side and took a seat. He placed the glass of water on the nightstand. "How are you feeling, (Y/n)?"

As if by magic, the worry was wiped clean from their faces. Jaehyun perked up, happiness written all over his face. Then came the guilt as he started to cry. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)! It's my fault...I never meant for you to fall!"

"What were you even doing in there?" Tristan placed a cool hand on her forehead and then shifted it to a sore spot on her head. "Does it still hurt if I press it like this?"

(Y/n) pushed herself to a sitting position and waved his worry away. "It's only a two-story fall and it's not like I have any more brain cells to lose," she joked. She accepted the glass of water he handed her—her throat felt unusually parched. 

"Things like this is why I was against this sh*t," Leon grumbled. 

"You're against everything." Kieran picked up a cushion and threw it at him. "Don't be a negative Nancy, Leo-chan."

"True," Tristan murmured, ignoring the too. "You don't seem to be injured." He took the empty glass from her and rose to his feet. "No more extreme escapades, you hear me?"

(Y/n) held back the urge to roll her eyes. "Sure, dad." But I'm a disagreeable child.

"Who the f*ck is negative Nancy?" Leon mumbled in the background, mostly to himself. "I'm not—"

"Negativity..." Kieran got off the bean bag and sprang at the well-built male. He chopped him sharply in the ribs with the side of his hand. "Begone!"



"Hahaha, that's what you get for being a—OW! THAT WAS MY CLAVICLE!"


The room descended into chaos as Leon began throwing everything he could get his hands on at the white-haired male. Jaehyun continued sniffling into a very unamused (Y/n)'s shoulder amid the cacophony while Tristan held a hand over his eyes.

"I run a bloody nursery," the blue-haired male muttered bitterly. "I absolutely did not sign up for this..."

"You know," (Y/n) drawled, seizing the opportunity. "This could all be fixed if you—"

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