entry #10 | єяяσя

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Kieran was a player, said to be able to get any girl he wants easily.

And (Y/n) wasn't especially pretty, smart, or wealthy. Nor was she an angel or Mother freaking Theresa.

So why the frick is the snowman bugging me?! Her eye twitched as she struggled to keep a blank face in the midst of her vexation. She had made a barricade on her desk between her and the white-haired male with her books and was currently hiding behind it. Unaffected by the obvious display of rejection, Kieran relentlessly continued nagging her in that low voice of his.

"Koneko-chan," he was saying. "Hey, don't ignore me, (Y/n)."

She even tried distracting herself with the lesson, but having a giant snowman call her name every few seconds and try to snatch something off her desk didn't help. She was five seconds away from throwing her book at his face and two from flipping his desk over.

Nevermind. That would be a waste of her energy.

In case you didn't know, the (h/c)-haired girl's energy storage for the day was divided rather evenly, like this: 20% for eating, 70% for sleeping and finding a place to sleep, 10% for walking and talking, and 5% for actual schoolwork. Very even.

What's that you say? The numbers don't match up?

What are you talking about?

This meant (Y/n) had no category called "reach out and smack the snowman." Her only solution was to keep ignoring him. At least until her sanity gave way.

I really, really don't want to deal with anything annoying, she scowled as she buried her face into her copy of Macbeth, seemingly engrossed in the lesson. I can already feel the glares. And there were, in fact, many glowers indeed. The girls from Kieran's fangirl were glaring daggers at the poor (h/c)-haired girl, their eyes two burning pits of crimson poison.

I swear if I die today, I'm making the snowman pay for my funeral.

What could she say? Funerals are expensive.

"So..." Kieran drawled, turning his full attention on the girl beside him. "About the project." Mr. Howards had finished teaching what he had to teach, and the remainder of the period was work time for the project.

She held up a hand immediately in refusal. "Noon on Saturday," she interrupted curtly. "At your dorm. Text me the place...and I'll come."

An annoyed looked flitted across his face, disappearing quickly as if it was never there. "Fine"—he leaned closer towards her—"What about afterward? What do you say we spend the rest of the day doing more...productive things, if you catch my drift, koneko-cha—"

"'Scuse me, sir?" (Y/n) rose to her feet and raised her hand. "Can I use...the restroom?"

Mr. Howards looked up from the pile of papers he was grading behind his desk. "Yes, of course."

"'Anks." She closed her book and rearranged her things before speeding out of the room. Kieran stared at where her figure used to be with a stunned look on his face.

Did she just...reject him?

Neveah came up to his side while twirling a lock of her red hair around her fingers. Her eyes raked over (Y/n)'s empty desk and then Kieran's stiff form. "Kind of rude...wasn't she?" She curled her lip in distaste. "She should know better than treat you this way, Kieran." She said his name low and seductively as she drew circles on his shoulder with her finger.

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