❀ False Ending | нєåνєη

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You choose any other path
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It was easy making a choice when she could detach herself from any emotion in order to rely solely on logical reasoning for the decision-making process, though executing it was another matter. Because before she could do anything, before she could even move a muscle, something—or specifically, someone—came barreling towards her. Her arms reached out instinctively to catch them.

It was Kieran. Surprise flickered across his face when he saw her but that soon disappeared behind his flirty wink. "Well, hello there. You're finally throwing yourself into my arms now, huh?"

She reeled back and scowled as she attempted to pry him off her. "You wish. Now get off me!" But he wasn't letting go. 

"Jay stabbed me," he whined, taking advantage of the situation to hug her. "It hurts. Comfort me?"

"Put some spit on it, you annoying fart."

"...Your concern is so heartwarming. You're just like the hedgehog I used to own."

She lifted an unamused eyebrow. "Because I'm prickly?"

"Nah, both of you are too cute for your own good."

Something flew across the room before her eyes, a blur of blue and white that moved too fast for her eyes to follow. It—rather, he—crashed against the opposite wall and slid down with a pained groan. 

Kieran let out a low whistle at the sight. "Damn, this is priceless. I'd gladly pay front row seats to see Leo-chan throw Trish-chan around any day." He released her to pull his phone out from his pocket and aim the camera at the blue-haired male. "Say cheese!"

Leon and Jaehyun were now engaged in a fight of their own. The blond had tried to sneak up behind the taller male to stab him with a knife he'd somehow gotten his hands on, but Leon's animalistic instincts proved sharper and he caught the blade before it reached his skin. Jaehyun screamed something unintelligible as he flung something that gleamed gold under the light from his hand at the male.

Leon managed to knock the objects away before they could hit his face and they clattered onto the floor. Thumbtacks, (Y/n) realized with growing horror. They were thumbtacks. 

But the distraction had paid off. The black-haired male had lowered his guard, just for a fleeting second, but it was enough for Jaehyun to seize the opportunity and stabbed forward with his other hand, the knife sinking cleanly into Leon's hand.

"Well, sh*t," Kieran commented as he took one last picture of Tristan's crumpled state. "I'm not cleaning any of this up later."

"Shouldn't we stop them?" As she watched the fight, her hand had unconsciously flung out to grip Kieran's arm tightly. Whether it was in fear or worry, it didn't matter. "I don't know about you, but they don't look like they're going to stop any time soon..."

"Yeah, they're not," he agreed bluntly. "Leo-chan's probably going to smash Trish-chan's skull open after he's done with Jay. And then he's going to give me a one-way express ticket to Hell but hey, I heard Lucy's a chill guy. It wouldn't be a bad journey."

She gave him a flat look. He grinned sheepishly back at her. "I'm kidding. So...how about you leave this party? Let them do their thing." He alighted his hands on her shoulders and spun her in a different direction with a fox-like grin on his face.

Going along with Kieran honestly sounded better than staying here and waiting for Leon to come after her next. But the male in question had other plans. He noticed the two moving away from the corner of his vision and rage refilled his face once more. He dropped Jaehyun's limp body and crossed the distance between them in two quick bursts, seizing the white-haired male's upper arm and ripping him away from the (h/c)-haired girl. How dare he touch her with his dirty hands?

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