entry #43 | dєℓåу

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"What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked a few minutes later. 

Kieran had grown bored of trying to draw a reaction out of her as she time after time ignored him, choosing to lose herself in her typing instead. He switched directions and pulled out a chair next to her, lounging in it as if it was a gilded golden throne and not a simple wooden chair, and he was its king.

She swore she could see a crown hanging crookedly across his pale locks.

Blatantly ignoring the (h/c)-haired girl's question, his burning eyes flickered up at her face before lowering to his hand, where he rubbed a lock of her hair between his fingers. 

What's this, the silent treatment now? (Y/n) shrugged a shoulder away, the movement causing her hair to slip out of his hand. "Go sit in a corner and read a book," she suggested snidely. "Or try the bungee jumping idea."

"I have something better in mind," the male murmured, his eyes landing on her fingers that danced nonstop over the keyboard. "What are you doing anyway?" He leaned closer to get a better look at her screen, giving her a good whiff of sandalwood and citrus. At least he didn't bathe in cologne like many of the Summer Hall jocks did.

"I'm trying to see if I can disable the guns on the roof," she said absently, not so subtly leaning away from him. "If I can do that we could lure people outside and they'd get disqualified without being shot down. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have any more blood on my hands."

Kieran, that annoying fox, noticed her discomfort and leaned closer, getting out of his chair altogether and resting his arms on the back of her chair. "You make it seem like I couldn't care less if someone died in my arms." He played it off casual, his eyes aglow with mirth.

She scooted forward. "I don't know, do you?"

"Depends on who the person is"—he moved even closer, almost leaning over her chair—"What about you? Would you feel remorse if you killed someone?"

Remorse? (Y/n) almost laughed out loud. This Game killed my freaking feelings. I don't have time for guilt.

"Depends on who it is," she shot back.

"Touché," he grinned and then raised his eyebrows as she nearly fell off her chair. "What kind of dance is this? How come I've never heard of it?"

"You must live under a rock then. It's super popular. Everyone's doing it."

"I even get a rock? How kind of you," Kieran smiled, playing along. "You'll have to teach me one day."

"Sure. The first step is to walk a mile in the opposite direction you're facing right now."

A small laugh escaped his lips. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me."

She smiled sweetly, her eyes still locked on the computer screen. "Damn, what gave it away?"

"You wound me, (N/n)-chan."

"Then put some spit on it."

She remained silent after that as she worked through several failed attempts at breaching the system that controlled the guns, hoping the boredom would send the white-haired male. But to her dismay, he seemed content with the silence. Almost too content. She guessed he didn't enjoy listening to himself talk all the time.

The afternoon sun faded seamlessly into the moon, the room's lights flickering on to bathe the two in a silvery glow. And sitting there while reading a book he'd pulled off the shelf like a Roman god, he could easily be mistaken for Adonis.

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