entry #58 | нåѕн

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She didn't register the pain at first. At first, she just stood there, frozen in shock. Numbness spread through her entire body but otherwise, she felt fine. She could vaguely recall the whip-fast motion of a knife parting the skin of the side of her neck like water. But it was so fast and the edge so fine it felt like a scratch. She could only stare, blinking slowly at the navy-blue haired male who was suddenly gone and behind her.

Her hand reached for her neck, feeling the warm liquid that trickled down her skin and through her fingers. It flowed down her wrist, blooming crimson flowers on the sleeve that quickly shed its petals.

She stared at her hand and then at the silver knife in Jasper's hands. The sharp edge was coated with a thin layer of red. Blood. Her blood.

Jasper's eyes followed hers back to her neck. A flash of regret and pain broke through that stony mask of his—but only for a brief moment before his mask was back in place. He took in a deep breath and let out a shuddering sigh.

"You understand right?" His tone was pleading, almost begging, as he implored her with his eyes. "I can't live without him. If he's gone, then I have no reason to stay in this world anymore. I can't go on without him and knowing his killers are still alive. But I guess..." His gaze dropped down to the knife in his hands.

"You're still my friend, (Y/n), and I'm no mindless killer deadset on revenge. So I won't kill you the same way I'm planning on doing the P4 in by. It might be a little painful, but please deal with it."

Death was not something (Y/n)'s ever considered in her life. At least, not the life she called "the After," which was her new life after what she went through as a kid, "the Before." In the Before, she's contemplating killing herself countless times to quickly end the suffering. But never in the After. There was too much she'd lose in the After, so she never considered the notion of death. Especially not at the hands of her own friend.

Her eyes traced the path of the knife as it fell, a silver blur flashing through the air. Then Jasper's hands were on her, circling around her neck before she could register the danger and bolt. No one suspects a friend, especially not one who was willing to buy food for them when PMSing. 

His grip was tight and borderline painful as his thumbs pressed into her artery, threatening to puncture through the skin. (Y/n)'s body pulled itself out of its frozen daze and flew into panic mode. Her eyes widened as her hands flew to the set of hands around her neck, pulling futilely at them in an attempt to free herself.

Jas, stop! She wanted to say but her air was dwindling, and fast. Stay calm, (Y/n). You'll get out of this. Even as black spots began to dance before her eyes, she tried everything she could. Gone were her worries of accidentally hurting him as she kicked, clawed, and snapped her teeth. Jasper either dodged or received her blows without batting an eye.

"Please don't struggle," he pleaded. "You're making this harder for me. It'll be over soon. I promise."

Somehow she was able to remain standing even as her vision began to swim. Adrenaline pumped through her bloodstream and spiked her pulse. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest before it slowed down due to the dwindling air supply.

Nothing good is going to come out of this, (Y/n) wanted to say. You're only digging yourself a deeper grave.

But there was no point in trying to argue with someone who only had eyes for another. As she stared into the amethyst-eyed male's eyes, he was looking towards her, but at the same time not quite at her. He seemed to be preoccupied with something else as he continuously applied pressure to her neck. All signs of the Jasper she knew to be one of her closest friends were gone and in his place was a stranger she'd never met. A ruthless stranger.

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