entry #14 | ¢σммåηd

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"And...that's a wrap."

The (h/c)-haired girl closed her laptop and leaned back into the cushions while stretching her arms and legs out in front of her. She cracked her neck and opened and closed her hands to get the blood flowing again. Kieran chuckled at her antics and pushed his laptop away from him. 

"We managed to finish the report in one go," he said with a bemused tone. "So? Do I get a reward? I tried my best, you know."

She arched an eyebrow and fixed a flat look on his companion. "If you think that's going to impress anyone...think again."

"You sure are cold, koneko-chan, despite your appearance."

"Thanks, I'm so touched. Please help edit the paper...when you have time. Should we start on the acting part today...?"

"Charles gave us way too much time," Kieran snorted. "Two weeks for a single project?"

"One and a half," (Y/n) corrected.

He waved it off. "Tomato, tomah-to. We could do this in one day. Let's finish it next week."

"Or we could finish now...and get it over w—"

"Or we could not talk about school and all those boring things anymore, how about that?"

She glared at him. He smiled brightly back.

One of these days I will smother you with two pillows, the (h/c)-haired girl thought bitterly. "Fine. Did we have homew—"

"No school-related subjects, remember?"

"Tsk, fine," she gave in. "How was...your sleep?"

"It was very pleasant, thank you for asking," he replied, a corner of his mouth tugging up into an amused grin at the question. "How about you?"

"Terrible. I had to wake up early." I mean, what did you expect me to say, amazing? She fought down the urge to roll her eyes. Thrilled to see your face first thing in the morning? Full of energy enough to run a marathon? Nope, nope, and nope. I hate everything and anything that disturbs my sleep. Speaking of disturbing my sleep, I should get rid of my alarm clock again.

Her poor alarm clock.

"Still mad about before?" He grinned. "I'll make it up to you somehow. Sounds good?"

"I'm not particularly mad. I mean...it's not like I wasted half an hour waiting for my partner or anything, right?"

Kieran sweatdropped. She's definitely mad.

She spotted the look he had on his face and sighed. "No, really. I don't really care. Anyway...what's the time?"

He checked his wristwatch. "Two-thirty," he replied. "What's the matter?"

"I have another thing to do now," (Y/n) groaned. It's almost time already? But she wasn't panicking. Ah, well, it'll work out somehow. "Forgot where it was."

"Another thing?"

The (h/c)-haired girl got out her phone and opened up her messages with her tutor. The name across the screen caught Kieran's attention. "Popsicle face?" He said incredulously. "Is that who you're ditching me for? I pity them."

And I pity the zebra for putting up with you, she retorted internally. Out loud, her only response was a half-hearted grunt. This address...wait, isn't that—

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