entry #69 | dïѕρℓåу

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"What are you making?"

A dreaded voice pierced through her concentration as (Y/n) was slowly pouring the batter into the cake pan. She jolted as a pair of arms snaked around her waist and someone propped their chin on her shoulder. She didn't have to look to know it was Jaehyun.

"Cake," she answered plainly. "Did you, uh, want some?"

His face brightened and he released her, making her let out a sigh of relief. But he didn't stray too far. He remained by her side, his fingers tapping against the granite countertop excitedly. "Do you need help?"

Nah, I'm a Masterchef in the making. "It's okay. I'll be done soon. Eventually. And you're probably busy."

"I'm never too busy for you. Here," he took the bowl of frosting from her. "I'll do this."

"Well, okay then." (Y/n) took the cake pan and slid it into the preheated oven with giant mittens on her hands. She might've mixed up the eggs and butter a few times (and might've added a little salt by accident) but it should turn out fine. Even if it didn't, she wasn't the one eating it so she wasn't going to lose any taste buds today.

"You can bake?" She observed as the blond slowly added heavy cream to the bowl as he mixed the rest of the ingredients with a hand mixer. He looked like he did it before.

He looked up and smiled. "A little. Leon taught me."

"You two seem...close." She didn't know if "close" was the right word for what they had. The two looked like they got along better than the others did, and Tristan and Kieran were the childhood friends—well, acquaintances, here. She sometimes caught them together as Jaehyun seemed to be struggling over something and Leon, ever the big brother, was there to help. Whether it be holding the ladder so the boy could climb up safely to finish a particularly tall ice sculpture, or carrying him to bed when Jaehyun fell asleep on the floor in the middle of his work.

Jaehyun shrugged. He didn't seem to care for the word. "I like him more than the other guys, that's for sure." His ruby eyes flickered to hers for a second, the vermillion depths flattening into two glittering slits. "Why? Are you interested in him?"

"I was just curious." She feigned disinterest in an attempt to make that haunting edge in his voice go away. "Wait, are you sure that's not too much cream?"

He looked down at the bowl in surprise and quickly stopped pouring. "Oops," he said with an embarrassed look. "I didn't realize. It should still be okay, right?"

She really hoped so too. "Maybe."

The cake was done a few minutes later. She took it out with gloved hands and slowly transferred them to the island. "I think we're supposed to let it cool first," she declared. "That takes too long. I'm just going to pop it in the fridge."

And so she did, placing a plastic wrap over the cake before putting it inside the fridge. Watch me forget about it and it becomes a block of ice.

"When did you meet the others?" (Y/n) asked him awkwardly as she began cleaning up some of the tools. She always felt like she was always doing something wrong around him. Which was weird, because she didn't feel that way around even Tristan. "School?"

Jaehyun canted his head in thought. "I met Leon during the first year of secondary school. I forget when, but it was during that one time his father made him go to this super unnecessary elitist party with him. Our families knew each other so we kinda had to start associating with each other. It was annoying."

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