entry #23 | υηѕє¢υяє

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Beep, beep, beep.

That was the first sound she's ever known. Her heartbeat. The second was the voices. The same cold voices, day after day after day. And numbers, jumbling strings of them, big words she didn't understand.


And the third, their heartbeats. The slow beeping of the organ as their chests rose and fell rapidly before the line went flat. And then she was all alone again.


She remembered the voices, but never the faces. Little bits and pieces of conversations, small snippets stolen here and there from the scary adults. They had cold eyes, she remembered. There were no emotions in those hollow orbs and no hesitation or gentleness in their touch.

"Doctor—the injection—"

"403, it's time for your medicine—"

She remembered struggling at first at the sight of the needles and pills. But it was futile; she was a child and they were adults. She didn't even know how to read yet, and they were scientists. So she gave up.

"Hold her down—her heartbeat's spiking—"

"Another failure, huh? Toss it out. It's as good as dead."

Bodies being thrown into a cage as its empty-eyed inhabitants could only stare with slack jaws. She was one of them.

"Oh? 403's doing well. Give her a bigger dose."

"But doctor—"

"It's an order. Don't ever let her sleep."

"Understood, Professor ���."

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(Y/n) woke up with a start. Her eyes flew open and she sat straight up in her bed, her eyes wide and mouth open, although no sounds came out. Little droplets of sweat beaded on her forehead and rolled down down her neck. The clinking of metal restraints, the droning voices, the beeping of a heart monitor—it all rang far louder than what she was comfortable with in her head. 

Her hands were trembling, she realized, as she clapped them over her heads and curled in on herself, silent tears pricking the edges of her vision. Her comforter was tangled around her legs like chains, as if it had become alive in her sleep and tried to strangle her. The alarm on her nightstand read five in the morning—no wonder it didn't ring.

Her labored breathing and the pounding of her heart were the only sounds in the emptiness of her bedroom. She closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down. It's only a dream, the (h/c)-haired girl told herself. It's gone. They're gone. They can't get me anymore. Everything—everyone's gone.

It was a vicious cycle for her; either she'd rise like usual on dreamless nights or wake up in a frenzied panic, with an irregular heartbeat and almost hyperventilating. She thought after that incident, everything would be okay. Everything would be normal now that she has a happy family. 

But it wasn't. The nightmares only came back after her foster mother's death, and they hit harder than ever. Her only solution was to wear a heart rate monitor choker that she kept hidden under her uniform collar. She was sure not even Reese knew about it.

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