entry #18 | fяσzєη

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Isla was avoiding them.

She was most definitely avoiding them.

When Lucinda, Carmen, or even (Y/n) tried cornering the purple-haired girl the next day in school to get her to spill the details about her date, she turned red and started running away. (Y/n) only had one class with her, so she tried convincing her there.

But Isla bribed her with the newest pillow of the season. Curse her easily side-tracked mind.

Now it was all up to Lucinda to squeeze the details out of her. The two girls had choir practice during lunch, so they were unable to sit with the usual group outside under the wishing tree. Nicholas had managed to snag the spot first with his quote-unquote "bada** ninja skillz." It was them with Keller's group, but now with the new addition of Jaehyun.

If you thought everyone would start worshipping the blond boy, you were half-right. While Reese was still being Reese, Carmen was shaking (Y/n) so hard the (h/c)-haired girl was worried she'd snap in half. Jasper was acting fairly normal since he was pretty influential himself, and was used to being around rich heirs and heiresses.

Nicholas had fled to the safety of the tree. Singular. Period.

Keller, being the father of the group where Jasper was the mother, quickly recovered from his momentary daze and welcomed the boy whole-heartedly. All the while ignoring (Y/n)'s cries for help.

What a great friend.

"Uhhh, ni hao ma?" Nicholas said in a terrible Chinese accent. "Does you speaketh English?"

Keller rolled his eyes and stood up. He reached up and dragged the afro-haired boy from the tree. "Yes, he can, dumba**. Besides, Jaehyun's Korean, not Chinese."

He changed his hair again? (Y/n) thought incredulously as she stared at the ninja wannabe. I thought Jason was the only one obsessed with his hair.

"Ah, my bad, bro." Nicholas patted the blond on the back, nearly knocking him over. "Me no speak Korean either."

"Nicholas, bro, I swear—"

"I-it's alright," Jaehyun interrupted quickly before someone got hurt. He eyed the two rugby players warily. Although neither of the two could be called especially stocky, Jaehyun's build paled in comparison to theirs. "I can speak Mandarin as well, but English is my mother tongue."

"Dude, Kels! We got a nerd—"

"Nicholas!" Keller cuffed him across the head. He gave the blond an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about him, Jaehyun—can I call you Jay? I'm calling you Jay. He's not right in the head."

"Hey!" Nicholas tried to protest. "I'm a ninja! Being sane isn't part of the job description!"

"Bro, you're just digging yourself a deeper hole," Jason scoffed snarkily as he tore into his sandwich. "You just admitted you've got a few screws loose."

Cue the aggressive chewing sounds.

"Digging holes isn't in the job description either!" The other male scowled, folding his arms across his chest. "I am a ninja! I do not dig anything unless I'm burying my victims!"

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