entry #79 | gåтєωåу

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Reese was beginning to think they forgot him down here. He curled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them before he began rolling around on the floor. One could only do so much to entertain themselves stuck in a room 24/7. At least he could keep up proper hygiene. But he wasn't allowed to have any sharp tools so he wasn't able to cut his hair. In the two or three weeks he's been here—he's long lost count—his hair had almost grown to his feet. It always did grow fast.

I'd rather be the Little Mermaid than Rapunzel, the redhead scowled as he spun in circles. Imagine having a grown a** dude climbing up your hair. That sh*t's gotta hurt, man.

None out of the ordinary had happened these past few days, even though just earlier he did hear a bunch of strange bangings. Maybe a raccoon snuck down here? That sounded nice. He preferred those trash pandas over ghosts.

He shuddered. Ghosts. Phantoms and Reese Grayson did not mix well.

The male uncurled himself and retrieved a metal spoon he'd hid under his bed. He used it to saw at the bars as he's done continuously for a week now, but he soon found out that the people in all those action films who escaped jail with a spoon had lied to him.

It didn't work. It didn't even scratch the metal.

He threw the spoon against the opposite wall. Goddammit, he scowled. I knew anime was always better. But so many shows and my favorite YouTubers are getting canceled this year...why can't we have any nice things? 

Speaking of nice things. He picked up his now empty bottle of shampoo from the floor. When is the prez going to get me a new one? I need my Redken Beach Envy shampoo or my roots are going to dry out.

Well, whatever. He retrieved the spoon he'd thrown and glared at it. Back to digging.

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"Uh, what are we doing here?"

Jaehyun had taken her back to the school building, the very place where everything had started to go terribly wrong. Even though she's been a student of Fortuna for two years now, the short weeks she'd spent in the Tempus Dormitory away from the building made the school building feel foreign. It was like she'd taken some long vacation and was only coming back down, only to have lost the sense of nostalgia within those lackluster walls.

"I want to show you something," was his unusually calm reply as he tugged her through the hallways. The cheerful air had evaporated from his tone and in its place was the serenity he typically used towards others. In other words, the people who weren't (Y/n). 

The school hallways were not littered with blood and corpses as she had imagined. Instead, everything looked like the Game had never even happened. Or maybe it hadn't. Maybe it had all been her imagination. As if, she thought darkly. 

The only traces remaining of the Game was that some things were missing or out of place. Even though the classrooms and corridors were cleaned up, they were missing a few details here and there. Decorative objects, for example. A missing vase here and there. Portraits and frames that should be on the walls but weren't. Glass display cases that had been replaced altogether after being destroyed. And (Y/n) could still smell the lingering stench of bleach in the air.

Other than that, Fortuna Institute looked like a ghost school, so devoid of life. Soon the mandatory "break" would be over and the living students would come back, many of them oblivious to the massacre that had gone on days before.

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