entry #26 | σffℓïηє

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"Consider this a warning," a girl with hair that looked really painful and equally painful-looking heels was saying to her. "I'm sure being a transfer student you didn't know the rules around here, honey, so I'm going to tell you."

Wait, she's talking to me? Or Wei Wei? (Y/n) was confused. She didn't even know this lady. Or maybe she was a student; with all that makeup and nauseating perfume, the (h/c)-haired girl couldn't tell.

The blonde and her cronies had caught the two girls in the locker room just as they were about to leave for their next period class. Even with (Y/n)'s awesome nonexistent rugby skills, she couldn't pass the girls and their deadly barricade of heels.

Heels...She shuddered. Those are torture weapons invented by aliens.

"Tell me what?" The (h/c)-haired girl asked. It only made the girl—McDonald, McMuffin, McSomething—angrier. And anger plus McDonalds equals extra b*tchiness on top of all that salt. Knew I didn't take chemistry for nothing.

"You," she jabbed a perfectly manicured finger towards the girl. "Stay away from Jay. You too, Way squared. Are we clear?"

That made two people who told her to stay away from the blond, but they had differing reasons. One, she gathered, was for self-interest. The other, Jason, was out of concern and resentment. (Y/n) hated those who acted out of self-interest, so she was sure as hell not going to listen to this Barbie doll.

"What did you say...? I couldn't hear you over the nails scratching on the chalkboard."

The platinum blonde frowned. "I don't hear any nails."

"Oh, sorry...was that your voice?"

Wei Wei's hand flew to her mouth as she giggled at the (e/c)-eyed girl's usually bold remark. Mackenzie stared gap-mouthed at the girl until she huffed angrily and spun around, flipping her long ponytail over her shoulder. 

"Consider yourselves lucky I'm letting you off easy today," she snapped. "But next time it'll be worse. Way worse. Got it, Corona girl and freak show?"

"I'm a freak show?" (Y/n) looked down at herself. "I'm wearing the standard uniform and everything." She turned towards the taller girl by her side. "Is she calling herself a freak?"

"Freak?" Wei Wei snorted. "More like a f*cking b*tch."

"Excuse me?" Mackenzie turned back with a gasp. "The only b*tch here is you, slit-eyes, with you and your dirty germs. Turn around and get your big nose out of here before things get ugly."

"Ooh, is this a catfight?" (Y/n) whispered. "I'd love to see a catfight. Hold up, lemme call Carrie."

The black-haired girl shrugged off the insult and stepped forward, easily towering over the blonde and her group even in heels. "You really are pretty as a picture, Mackenzie Taylor," she sneered. "I know I'd love to hang you."

The blonde's pale-colored eyes flashed with indignation. "You—"

"I am not as nice as my friend (Y/n) here," Wei Wei interrupted, continuing to go forward with a glare on her face. Mackenzie and her group backed away slowly with their heads still held high. "My family has connections everywhere, Taylor, even with the so-called 'Corona people' mafia. And what about you? Your daddy takes a few bribes here and there, doesn't he? That makes him a typical businessman. Who is he in the face of the Chinese mafia?"

"A-are you threatening me?"

The tall girl smiled sweetly and placed a hand on her hip. "I don't know, am I? Let's make one thing clear, shall we? I like Jay. That's a fact. And I don't give a sh*t about some stupid claim you've made over him. I'm not backing down no matter what you send my way, Taylor. Know Matthews, the politician? He has ties with my old man. F*ck with me and you'll be f*cking with him, future chairman of the UK. Daddy won't like it if you did that, would he?"

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