entry #53 | ѕуѕтєм

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Tristan was, unsurprisingly, in an irritable mood. His jaw was set as he stalked to the ringing hallway phone and snatched the receiver up, still maintaining his royalty's grace. "Tristan Knight speaking," he said without any particular rancor, though his mood was anything but. He already had a good idea who the caller was."Ajumeoni?" 

(A/N: "Ajumeoni" is a polite way of addressing married or middle-aged women in Korean. Note that their following conversation is in Korean)

A raspy undertone that came with age to an otherwise smooth voice answered his prompt. "Yes, Tristan dear?" An older female said in perfect Korean. "How have you been lately?"

The male forced his initial anger down and held back a sigh. "Fine. How are you, ajumeoni?"

"I'm perfectly chipper, thank you for asking. How's my grandson doing?"

The only Kim relative who cared about Kim Jaehyun in a mindset that wasn't steered towards profit and business: his grandmother and a bonafide sculptor.

"K—excuse me, your grandson is doing fine," he said tonelessly, choosing to leave out the part about the Game. The less she knew the better. "I heard Mr. and Mrs. Kim will be arriving here soon?"

"Change of plans," the elderly woman said with an annoyed sigh. "Those people. If he wasn't my son I'd give him a good beating with the lack of care he shows towards my poor Jaehyun. Maybe I should do that anyway." There was a moment of silence before she remembered something. "Oh! Your friend, the reliable one—Leon, was it?"

"Yes, that's his name."

"Yes, yes. I heard his father was coming by soon. Those two..." she trailed off, choosing her words carefully. "They're not on good terms, are they?"

That's one way to put it. "I'm afraid estrangement does that to people."

The woman let out a long sigh. "I can't say I approve of the father too much...but well, I have good news for Leonard—"

"Leon, ajumeoni. It's Leon Matthews."

"Oh dear, a slip of the tongue. Leon. I heard his brother is going to stay with you boys for the time being. His—aunt? Grandmother? Which was it?—can't hold out against the father's pressure for much longer."

That was news to him. Even Tristan hadn't heard of that. "Conan?" He frowned. "I was not informed of this." He switched the phone to his other ear as he pulled out his smartphone to check. It took him a few tries to get the password in.

"It was a last-minute decision," the woman sighed. "Well, that's that. I must get going now, even though I dreadfully miss my grandson...send him my regards, will you? I'll be sending a package of his favorite snack over when I can!"

"Y-yes," Tristan mumbled uncomfortably. Jaehyun's grandmother never failed to make him falter. The sheer amount of devotion and unwavering love she had for her only grandson always made him stumble. How one person could be so affectionate towards another astounded him.

He placed the phone back down with a satisfying click. He felt tired all of a sudden and made his way back to his room where he collapsed down in his usual spot, a chair by the window. The fatigue made his muscles slack, though a part of him still remained on guard, even in his own home. Not that he considered this place home; it was merely a cage for his "father" to monitor his third son. His son who was "too perfect."

His father had always been a paranoid man. And he was afraid of him. Afraid of his own son. Afraid that his genius son would pluck the crown from his head and kick him out of the safe castle called Fortuna Institute he and his ancestors have built over the years.

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