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// 11/21 2:07 PM

Dear Diary,

Hi, my name is—well, actually, that doesn't matter. My name doesn't matter. What matters is these weird things that have been happening.

I don't know what to think anymore. One of my best friends just turned up dead.

What should I do?


// 11/22 11:25 AM

Dear Diary,

I'm at school. I'm scared. I don't know what's happening anymore. I'm afraid to go outside. I'm afraid I'll be caught and killed on my way home.

Help me,


// 11/23 9:00 AM

Dear Diary,

I'm going to class now. It's scary, but I'll do it. It's okay, though because I have math with my best friend (Y/n). 

At least I'm not alone.



// 11/24 6:39 PM

Dear Diary,

Someone else died. It's another one of my friends.

I came home today and found one of my knives missing. Was it me? I don't know.

I live alone.

What's happening?


// 11/25 12:54 AM

Dear Diary,

(Y/n) told me everything was going to be okay. I really hope so.



// 11/26 10:10 AM

Dear Diary,

(Y/n) hasn't been sitting with us lately. She looked tired too. I asked her what's going on, but she refused to tell me anything.

I'm scared,


// 11/26 12:39 PM

Dear Diary,

I drank a lot of water at lunch today so I went to the bathroom. But now I'm afraid to go out. 

I see something red on the floor. I hope it's not blood.

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