entry #59 | вℓσ¢кєd

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It was one thing to be presented with the news of her best friend's death, true or not, and another to know that the friend was very much in real danger right this second. And the fact that the friend basically outright admitted their friendship meant nothing to him when compared to his relationship with his boyfriend. In the lake of gold and silver, why would anyone pick the glass apple that fell in when they could pick the golden one?

And the sensation of his hands gripping her neck, his fingers pressing into her throat...that was very much real. The feeling still lingered with the mottled blue and purple bruises against her skin like a poorly designed choker. A grotesque choker whose name proved too real for comfort.

The (h/c)-haired girl numbly touched her neck again. Her entire body was cold, she realized, but she wasn't trembling. Her fingertips were also made out of ice as they touched the finger-shaped bruises, which lit up with heat upon impact. They burned like scald marks or worse, brands. Brands that were proof of something irreversible. Something that could no longer be taken back. A symbol of a broken heart that drove someone to a broken friendship.

Bits and pieces. Everything was broken.

"I'm sorry," she said finally, gently but firmly pushing the blond away from her. "I...haven't exactly been feeling in it of sorts these days, so it kinda slipped my mind. So your...confession, I really appreciate it but I can't—"

"You can't?" He blinked in visible confusion, his bright smile faltering. "You don't mean that now, do you? You're not going to leave me all alone too, are you? That's too cruel of you, (Y/n)...especially when you're all that I have."

"I—" He was shaking his head, his beautiful scarlet eyes shining with unshed tears and emotions, not allowing her to speak. He took her hand in his and placed it on his chest right over his heart. He held her eyes in his with an imploring gaze, begging her, pleading with her to change her mind to one he was content with.

"Can you feel it? My heart's beating fast, (Y/n)...that only happens when I'm with you." He dropped his head, his bangs falling over his eyes as he gripped her hand tightly and held it to his face. "Without you, my world is dark. Without you, I can't breathe. You're the only thing that makes me happy. I don't want to be in that cage anymore—I...I can't stand it if you're not by my side."

Her skin crawled with goosebumps at his chilling words, so full of affection and longing that it frightened her. Their positions were too intimate, too emotional, and too much of all the things (Y/n) could not control. She didn't like not being in control.

And she never expected his childlike attachment to her to grow this much. She had initially brushed it off as an introvert's emotional attachment to the person who helped them come out of their shell. He was like a little brother to her almost. Or perhaps a stray puppy she couldn't turn a blind eye to. Anything but this. This was too much.


It was a cage that surrounded her, locked her up, and refused to let her go.

Please...no more!

Her mouth opened but it was dry. Words hung on the tip of her tongue, teetering on the verge of being spoken and being kept secret. Would she be blunt and tell him she had no interest in relationships? (Y/n) was never one for revealing her true feelings. That felt too invasive, even with her best friends. It was a habit she couldn't break out of. Or would she sugarcoat it, telling him in some roundabout way she wasn't ready to accept his confession?

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