entry #78 | тєямïηåтє

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Even though Conan and Leon looked so similar, they couldn't be any more different. Leon's unkempt hair and silver eyes gave him the look of both a watchful sentinel and a bloodthirsty killer, and while Conan possessed the same features, they looked angelic and pure on him. The younger Matthews' silver eyes were like that of an innocent puppy's. A sliver of the moon cut out of the sky. It was hard to believe the two were of the same bloodline, especially with the scars decorating Leon's skin. The one on his neck was the most eye-catching.

(Y/n) was able to catch a breather once the tall male left the room, presumably towards the pantry to get some snacks for the two. Conan was struggling to pick up a large cushion. He kept falling over with how big it was, so he resorted to sliding it towards the chairs they had set up for support. His eyebrows were furrowed cutely in concentration as he heaved the large cushion to a standing position and leaned it against one of the chairs. He placed his hands on his hips, a satisfied grin appearing on his face.

His head swiveled towards the (h/c)-haired girl who was working on the other side of the fort. "How's your side going," he said, putting back on his fake posh accent. "I e-expect this to be down by sundown or you're not getting paid!"

Never thought I'd enter the corporate world so early, (Y/n) stifled a laugh. She teasingly saluted him. "I'm on it, captain!" She began stacking up the larger pillows and cushions around and on the chairs as Conan nodded in approval. The boy had somehow found a hard hat that was too big for him and was wearing it with a self-important gleam in his eye.

"Chop, chop!" He clapped his hands sharply. "Time is um, monkey!"

"Time sure is monkey," (Y/n) bemusedly agreed while arranging the smaller pillows neatly on the interior of the fort. "Can you get me the blankets from the couch, captain?"

Conan huffed and puffed out his chest. "Bold of you to be ordering me around, but okay. I'll do it for the pillow fort!"

He padded over to the couch and returned with an armful of blankets that obscured his face. Not having enough limbs to carry the rest, he had also draped a blanket over his head. Now he was stumbling in circles blindly as he tried to direct himself back to the pillow fort in progress.

"Mayday, mayday!" The boy shrieked as he nearly tripped on a trailing blanket. "A fog is on us! I can't see anything!"

He screeches in fake terror as his limbs flailed about under the large quilt and he went down with a quiet "oof!" (Y/n) quirked an eyebrow at his antics and threw a pillow at him.

"Does this mean I'm the captain now?"

He sat up immediately and tugged the quilt off his head to reveal his pouting face. "No way. You can be the cleaner-upper though."

Leon chose that moment to reenter the room, his hands full with two small glass cups of what at first glance looked like ice cream, but on closer inspection, was actually vanilla pudding. Darn him, he got my hopes up, she thought bitterly.

The desserts, to his credit, were finely decorated to the point she could've mistaken them to be the work of a patisserie. It alternated between layers of white-gold pudding and snow-white whipped cream that could be seen through the pristine glass. The topmost layer of the pudding was decorated with a small swirl of whipped cream and sliced strawberries, finished with a cluster of blueberries and two chocolate wafer rolls stuck into it.

It still looked like ice cream.

He handed the first to his brother, followed by a spoon, both of which the little boy accepted happily with shining eyes. "Yay, pudding!" The boy cheered as he shrugged off the quilt that he had been pretending was a swamp monster. A satisfied smile spread across his face as he sank into a large cushion and began making quick work of the sweet treat.

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