entry #62 | fïℓє

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Leon was beyond furious. The memory of seeing Kieran pressed against the (h/c)-haired girl who could do nothing to push him away made his blood boil. Made the ugly thing inside of him rake its claws down his insides, ready to tear through skin and bone to get out and turn itself on the white-haired male.

It didn't matter if death was too good for Kieran, he told himself. The male was someone who'd done (Y/n) wrong, which surely meant she hated him, right? And Leon had promised to her get rid of everything she hated and anything that could do her harm.

That's why he had no trouble in setting that one brown-haired girl's death up as an accident.

He did less dirty work than he thought, and that bothered him. Tristan was the one who had personally killed off Charles Howards and Elijah Johnson—Leon wanted to be the one to do it. He wanted to be the one who got rid of everything that posed danger to the (h/c)-haired girl. He wanted to be the one who'd showed her just how dangerous the world really was outside the little bubble she's built around herself.

And then he wanted to be the one who took her hand and kept her safe. Forever.

Not someone like Tristan.

His steps grew hurried as he scaled the stairs to the third floor easily, leaving a trail of storms in his wake. He flung Kieran's library doors open, his angry eyes scanning the space for the said male.

But he wasn't there. The broken window and overturned furniture were just as he remembered when he left. It didn't look like anyone made an effort to clean it up. In fact, it looked even worse. Kieran's prized books, even the ones from his expensive collection from Medieval England, were ripped off their shelves and lied open on the floor. Pages were torn out like some animal had dragged its claws through the delicate pages. The white, ragged sheets were everywhere, decorating the floor like snowflakes.

Leon clenched his jaw and slammed the door shut. He had no business in the library if Kieran wasn't there. He went straight to the male's bedroom next and flung the door open. "Fujikawa!" He yelled into the dark room. "Where the f*ck are you?"

Kieran wasn't there. In fact, he wasn't in any of the rooms Leon checked. Not even in his dance studio that he's only recently started using. That had confused Leon for a second before he brushed it off. He didn't give a sh*t about what Kieran did unless it involved (Y/n) or Conan.

Speaking of his brother, the boy should be playing in Leon's room right now. Since his arrival was out of the blue, Leon didn't have the time to prepare a room for his brother so his own had to suffice for the time being. That was fine too; keeping him close meant he could keep a close eye on him. It was easier to protect someone when he knew where they were at all times.

"Where are you going?"

A voice from behind him made Leon stop in his tracks. It was Jaehyun. He was wearing a black and gray hoodie with his hands folded innocently behind his back. The boy tilted his head at the taller male. "Are you going somewhere?" He peered around him, disappointment clouding his face. "Oh. I thought (Y/n) was with you..."

Leon shoved his anger through an iron door and locked it up. Kim Jaehyun wasn't someone he was willing to provoke. Tristan? Maybe. But Jaehyun...

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