entry #72 | яєвσσт

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"Uh, I don't think that goes in the microwave..." (Y/n) said, eyeing the golden-haired male warily. "Why is there a microwave in my bathroom anyway?"

Jaehyun had entered her room almost half an hour after Tristan had left. Not without proper supervision, of course. Somehow Leon had gotten wind of the male's presence and appointed himself their official chaperone. (Y/n) hoped he wouldn't regret his decision after watching the blond try to stuff a whole bowl of grapes into the microwave.

"I heard if you microwave grapes it'll become plasma," the boy chirped, acting like he hadn't just locked her in a cage a few hours ago. Split personality much? "I have a really cool idea for a project for that!"

(Y/n) had no idea what was going on in that mind of his. She turned to Leon with an expression that screamed "help. Me." He replied with a wince and a shake of his head. There was no stopping Jaehyun when he got passionate about something.

She was certain that the microwave was going to blow up. At least it was in the bathroom and not the bedroom where her best friend, the bed was. "Does he always do this?" She whispered, siding up to the black-haired male while keeping a watchful eye on the blond who was humming as he slicing up a bunch of grapes. 

"You should be glad this is all he's doing." A chuckle rumbled through the male's chest. "Last month the f—uh, senior citizen sold my bike to buy champagne for one of his parties." He curled his lip in loathing. "F*cking r*tard." His eyes widened when he realized he'd unknowingly let a curse slip and he coughed quickly into his fist to cover it up.

(Y/n)'s lips curved into an amused smile. She chose not to comment on it for his sake. "You own a bike?"

"Did. How else am I going to get to school everyday—"

CRASH. The ceiling fan fell to the floor in an explosion of plaster and dust. Leon immediately pulled the (h/c)-haired girl behind him to shield her from the mess, his eyes narrowing as he instinctively began scanning the surroundings for the source of the chaos.

Unsurprisingly, it was Jaehyun. The blond got up from the mess, coughing as he waved the dust away from his face. He caught the two staring wide-eyed at him and he flushed. "Um, I can explain."

"You have a sh*t ton of explaining to do," Leon growled, his grip on the girl slackening. "How the f—uh, fudge did your project ruin the fu...flipping ceiling?"

"This is a talent I want to acquire," (Y/n) muttered under her breath.

"I was trying to reach something," Jaehyun explained sheepishly, his toe scuffling the now messy ground. "But the microwave cord caught on the fan and, um, the rest is history. U-uh, Leon? Are you...mad?"

The black-haired male sighed and collapsed back into his seat. "I'm not mad. I'm more concerned about the grapes."

"The grapes are A-okay! Look, you can still eat them!"

"Really? Throw me one." (Y/n) held out her hands. "I always wanted to eat a plasma grape."

"Okay, catch!"

Leon blinked at the two in disbelief. "That's...burnt. Are you sure you want to eat that—"

She ate it anyway.

"Okay, fine. Go ahead and eat the burnt grape."

"Tastes like charcoal and all my hopes and dreams that have come crashing down," (Y/n) commented. She popped a fresh grape into her mouth. "I rate it 10/10. Perfection. Not sure what your 'project' was though."

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