entry #67 | ¢яåѕн

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Her plan was slowly coming together. Tristan 2.0, who she found curled up next to the sleeping Conan, did in fact like applesauce. Even though technically she's supposed to be my dog, (Y/n) thought dryly. She likes Conan better. The betrayal. I named you well.

The real Tristan didn't understand why she needed to bring a dog with her to get a snack. She told him Tristan 2.0 was probably also getting hungry and she needed to feed him.

The whole time she stood in front of him making her excuses, her palms were sweating. She kept a blank look on her face even though underneath she was a nervous wreck. This wasn't going to be another one of her "let's make their lives harder!" whims. If he saw through it...he might carry out his earlier threat of harming the red-haired male.

Somehow he bought it. It did help that for once her stomach decided to growl on time. She went into the kitchen, aware of his dangerous gaze boring into her back. She first got a box of crackers from the pantry to make her ploy look believable. Then a random fruit from the bowl of them sitting on the island. And lastly, the most important item, the applesauce.

(Y/n) got out the largest container she could find and began pouring it into an equally large bowl. Tristan watched her movements with a cool stare.

"I wasn't aware you liked applesauce." He watched incredulously as she kept on pouring. "Even if you like something, it isn't healthy to eat too much of it."

She paid no mind to him and continued pouring it to the brim of the bowl. At this point, Tristan 2.0 had smelled the applesauce and was circling excitedly around her legs. Which was good. It meant she could very well "accidentally" trip and throw the bowl into Tristan and it wouldn't be her fault.

It was a good thing Tristan wasn't a natural canine repellant like Kieran was. Tristan 2.0 had no problem going near her namesake. (Y/n) bite back an evil grin and began balancing the plate of snacks and the bowl of applesauce in her arms as she turned around, ready to go back to her room. Tristan looked on in concern and stepped towards her.

"Let me help you with that—"

"Oh, OOPS!"

But before he could finish, (Y/n) immediately seized the opportunity and accidentally tripped over Tristan 2.0, sending the entire bowl of applesauce crashing into the real Tristan's clothes. Her falling over and cracking her head on his chest wasn't part of the plan, however. She should've accounted for her clumsiness.

Tristan sucked in a sharp breath as his elbow banged painfully against the kitchen floor. His surprise immediately dissolved into worry as he sat up and held her head in his hands. "Are you alright?" His crystal blue eyes searched her face for injury. When he found none, he let out a sigh of relief.

At the expense of her still-sore forehead, the plan had worked! For the most part, at least. Tristan 2.0 was a literal bundle of joy as she leaped onto the two, much to Tristan's dismay. The blue-haired male fought futilely to throw the puppy off him as it excitedly began lapping up the applesauce. 

"Bad dog!" (Y/n) said, helping him in his efforts when really she was just trying to snag the key off his neck. "Down, girl! You can get applesauce later!"

"Get this creature off me!" Tristan hissed.

Tristan 2.0 ignored both of them, not budging in her attack. The dog liked applesauce so much it was willing to brave Tristan's wrath, apparently. But it did the trick. Some time in their "struggle," (Y/n) was able to steal the key and pocket it with sticky fingers while finally pulling the dog off him at the same time.

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