entry #17 | нåѕнтåg

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It was getting late. As they worked, the three had initially spent the time in silence with Reese and (Y/n)'s occasional whispers, fearful of Leon getting angry again. Eventually, he relented, even going as far as heading all the way to the lobby to buy the two drinks.

"Here," he had said, throwing two cans of soda at his partners. Scratching the back of his neck, he looked away as if embarrassed. "It was wrong of me to snap at you guys like that. Sorry."

Reese cradled his strawberry ramune in his hands as (Y/n) did the same with her (f/d). They looked at each other with wide eyes and then at the male before them. 

He flushed pink. "W-what? You have something to say?"

(Y/n) raised her hand tentatively. "You know..." she began, holding up her drink. "Reese has this in his fridge. You didn't have to go all the way down to get it, but thanks anyway." She took a sip.

"Shut up!" Leon scowled, suddenly unsure of where to be, where to look. "I-I wanted to get some exercise. Yeah, that's it. Sitting around all afternoon is bad for your body. Especially you, freakshow." He eyed Reese's arm and raised an eyebrow. "Have you been working out at all?"

The red-haired male shot to his feet and shoved up his sleeve. "You can insult me but you don't insult these beautiful guns! Apologize to them right now!"

"Those 'guns'"—she used air-quotes—"Are a part of you, so you're contradicting yourself. And ze—he can't apologize properly to something he can't see."

"You're supposed to agree with me in times like this, (N/n)!" He whined while making vague gestures with his hands. "Look!" He pulled a random manga book from his table and opened it, pointing at the page and shaking it in her face. "Look at this beautiful friendship, where friend A does everything in his power to save friend B from the titans! Why can't you do something like that for me?!"

"My dream is to be buried in a sea of pillows. I refuse to be eaten by a titan. Besides, chivalry is dead."

"Would you at least try to save me if I was being chased by one?!"

(Y/n) finished the last of her drink and placed it onto the coffee table. "Obviously I would," she said matter-of-factly, her face impassive. "What, do you think I'd leave my best friend to be eaten by those...things, assuming they were real."

Grateful tears shone in his emerald eyes. "(N/n)...!"

But of course, she had to ruin the moment. "But I mean, titans only eat humans, right? Why would they bother eating a tomato?"

"Dammit, I should've seen that coming!"

The two bickered on for the rest of the afternoon as Leon looked on, drinking a can of black coffee. He didn't look irritated in the slightest despite his anger a few hours ago. Perhaps it was because they had successfully finished most of the research and did their part. Or perhaps the coffee made him calm down.

Scratch that. Despite his composed features, the black-haired male was actually trying not to spit out the drink. He was too caught up in his group's antics to remember he despised canned coffee. He loved black coffee, but the canned type?

His exact words: "F*ck no." It tasted like burnt coffee beans drenched in lukewarm water.

"I predict there will be a waterspout in exactly two minutes," Reese said out of the blue. His face was grim and his hands were folded under his chin as he sat on the floor. "My weather forecasts are never wrong. It will hit soon. Very soon. Everyone outdoors must come indoors and take shelter."

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