entry #20 | мåℓfυη¢тïση

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"How about we get some coffee?"

"I don't like coffee."

"What about some d—"

"I'm underage."

"Come on, let's—"




(Y/n) was on her way home and not really enjoying the sun that glared down at her with all its fiery wrath. It had been an uneventful walk to the bus stop, just the way she liked it, until a certain someone had the tendency to believe it was a great idea to interrupt her peaceful journey by following her.

Now she was currently on the bus with an unpleasant look on her face as she glowered stubbornly out the window with her bag acting as a barrier between her and her seatmate. Who is this stalker, you might ask? Isn't it obvious?

Who else would be smart enough to do such a thing besides the abominable snowman named Kieran Fujikawa?

"Why, do you have something planned at home?" He continued nagging her, unperturbed by her annoyed stance. "Isn't that boring? Come on, I'll introduce you to a nice place I found the other day—"

"No thanks," she shot his offer down. "Much obliged, but I'm very busy. Very, very busy." Busy doing my homework and sleeping for fifteen hours that is. Especially after popsicle.

"Busy doing what? Studying? You don't possibly mean to spend your Friday and weekends...studying do you?"

"Maybe I do. Got a problem with that?"

Kieran looked both horrified and taken aback. "You...spend your weekends...doing school work?!"

"I said, I do. What's it to you?"

He shook his head sadly and passed a hand over his face. "You, koneko-chan, you really need a life," he sighed. "You are in Year 11 now! If you spend the rest of your life like this, you'll become a hermit, or an unmarried cat lady living alone in a shack! That would be a social disaster."

"Being an unmarried cat lady isn't that bad," (Y/n) murmured. "And you sound like one of those Plastic girls—or whatever they're called—calling everyone a social disaster."

"Excuse me, but I'm a very handsome and popular bachelor. My name isn't even Regina or Reginold."

See what I mean about overconfident? She rolled her eyes and rested her face on her hand. "All the Reginolds in the world would cry if you had their name," she muttered under her breath.

"Hmm? What did you say?"


Kieran gave her a curious look before that indecipherable smile of his reappeared onto his face. He scratched the back of his neck. "About what you saw before..." He began sheepishly. "I'm sorry you had to see that. It was—"

"What I saw? I didn't see anything. What are you talking about?"

"You know, during lunch period," he frowned.

Her face remained unchanged. "I don't know what you're talking about. I think you've got the wrong person."

"Are you sure? I would never forget the face of a—"

"You have the wrong person."

"No, I—"

"The wrong person."

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