entry #13 | σηℓïηє

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Did you know that humans are the only animals who have chins? This proves that chins are unnecessary, totally extra things that are the result of evolution's oopsie when creating humans. Why do we even need chins beside to look aesthetically pleasing? Does that mean more chins make you prettier? Not even chimpanzees have chins!

(Y/n) did not believe in the usefulness of chins. She thought they were dumb and only got in the way. At least for today, she was right.

It took all of her mental strength to refrain from cursing out loud in a foreign residence or flip a table over. Not that she was capable of doing so, of course. And even if she could—nevermind, she couldn't.

Tears threatened to well up in her (e/c) eyes at the sharp pain hammering at the top of her head. She forced them down, her fingers digging into her skull as if pressing down on the definitely bruising area would alleviate the pain. She was doubled over, a strap of her backpack sliding off her shoulder and her teeth clenched.

(Y/n) made several discoveries that day. One being Kieran was not lying when he said he owned a whole floor of the dormitory, and that he lived with three other people. The second being the fact that Leon had a very hard chin.

I am god's child, I am god's child, I am god's child, she chanted like a mantra in her head. I do not kill, I do not lie, I do not steal, especially not other people's lives. It wasn't the zebra's fault, so stay calm. I am a good child.

The black-haired male, on the other hand, was barely affected by the impact. He had a shocked look on his face when the (h/c)-haired girl suddenly appeared in front of him while he was preparing to leave his dorm. Not noticing her before it was too late due to their height difference, let's just say several unfortunate accidents happened which resulted in her head colliding with his jaw.

Very painful. Don't try this at home, kids.

His confused expression morphed into a stunned one as he stared at the hissing girl. He had stumbled back from the impact where she almost flew away had he not caught her arm. Now the silver-eyed male was simply massaging his jaw while (Y/n) cursed evolution under her breath.

Evolution is dumb. Who even thought of it in the first place?

In her case, maybe evolution went in reverse.

What is his chin made of?! She shrieked internally. The pain subsided enough for her to raise her head, her angry glare meeting his widen silver eyes. My skull is made of bone. His chin is made of bone. So what's the difference between us that makes him shrug it off like it's nothing?!

One glance at his arm answered her question. He looked like Carrie male version, (Y/n) observed. Long story short, the girls had gone on a shopping spree that mainly involved Isla and Lucinda forcing Carmen and (Y/n) into countless outfits. They had caught a glimpse of the brown-haired girl's abdomen and boy were they shocked.

(Y/n) never knew a girl could have abs. She has been enlightened. 

"Who are you?" Leon said finally, breaking the silence that fell between the two. His eyes narrowed and then widened in recognition. "Ah, you're the pipsqueak."

"Who are you...and what right do you have...to call me pipsqueak?" (Y/n) scowled. "I prefer 'closer to...the ground.'"

He blinked in puzzlement. "You mean gravitationally challenged?"

"Are you calling me fat, you oompa loompa—"

"And, that's enough of that!" A force sent the black-haired male reeling to side. He would've fallen over had it not been for his fast reflexes, catching the edge of the wall with a single hand. He and (Y/n) both swiveled their heads towards the perpetrator, his a dark glare and hers a stunned face of astonishment.

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