entry #28 | мåℓωåяє

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With a few goodbyes and cotton candy sticks later, (Y/n) was walking her way home after the flirty male accompanied her on the train. That was enough to make her slight, just slightly, waver, and believe he had some gentleman in him.

It was growing dark, she saw, she was still a few blocks from home. She recognized the neighborhood as the one she had stumbled on the last time she was running away from Kieran. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately, the (h/c)-haired girl realized with a start. At least this time I know how to go home. Just go straight.

Remember her penchant for noticing weird nooks and crannies? The curse struck again, and her eyes just had to catch on a familiar shady-looking alley and a group of equally familiar shady-looking men. They noticed her and their eyes widened.

"Ah," they gasped at the same time she thought, Crap bunnies.

"It's that girl, boss man," one of the men said. On closer inspection, he was more boy than man. Just a little on the rugged side. "Y'know, the chick who caught us beating up old man Steve last week?"

Leon pulled the cigarette out from the boy's mouth. "No smoking," he growled. "It's bad for your lungs."

The male laughed. It was a low and raspy sound. "Classic big brother line, aye? How's our Connie doing anyway?"

"Don't you f*cking dare breathe his name, you bloody—"

"Chill, dude!" He held his hands up. "I'm just messing with ya. Anyway, girlie, what brings you here again?"

(Y/n) jumped at the sudden attention as she was slowly sneaking away. "M-me?" She pointed at herself.

"Who else would it be, Chuck?"

One of the men squeaked and looked around fearfully. "Scars, you bloody bastard," he hissed. "Told ya not to mention Chucky! I still get nightmares, y'know!"

"Dude, you pissed yerself watching Five Nights at Freddy's. And it wasn't even scary!"

"At least I'm not the one getting preggo watching some messed up anime porn. Wait, can dudes even get preggo?"

"That's a good question," another male nodded sagely, stroking an invisible beard. "A very good question. Wait, then where does the baby pop out?"

"The a**hole, you ret*rd."

"B-but my mom never shat me out. It came from the peepee so..."

Leon had enough. He sighed and ignored the group, stepping out from the shadows of the alley and towards the (h/c)-haired girl. "Ignore them," he said gruffly, placing himself defensively between her and his men, or whatever they were to him. "They're just a bunch of dipsh"—he caught himself before he cursed—"Idiots messing around."

"Hey!" The same boy from earlier protested. "This 'idiot' can judo flip John Cena in five seconds!"

"Wait, for real bro? I thought you were just f*cking with me when you said that."

"Bet. I even got the video and everything."

(Y/n) didn't know who they were or what their backstories were, but she knew one thing: she liked this crowd. Fellow aliens unite!

Leon didn't seem to share her sentiments. He muttered something darkly under his breath and massaged his forehead. "Nevermind them, what are you doing here? These parts are dangerous. You shouldn't come here alone—hell, you shouldn't come here at all."

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