entry #29 | ρℓåу

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"What's this?"

(Y/n) felt something hit the tips of her fingers. It wasn't a common occurrence for her to check her mailbox, but after months of leaving it to rot, she decided it was a good time to finally check it. 

It was empty, she saw, save for a slender white enveloped decorated with a slender, golden border. Across the front in elegant, metallic cursive was her name.

(Y/n) White, the envelope read. The (h/c)-haired girl frowned and closed her mailbox. "I'll be going now!" She called over her shoulder to the security guard. "Have a nice day!"

"You too, (Y/n)!" 

She opened the envelope as she walked. There was no return address on it. All it had was a curious golden seal at the back she mercilessly tore into. There were two items in it, she saw as she waited for her bus. There was a crisp, folded letter and a tarot card. That puzzled her.

A tarot card? She raised her eyebrows and flipped it around for inspection. It was a slender, flat black card with golden designs etched into it. In little letters near the bottom of the card read "the hermit" in all caps. Near the top was the roman numeral for ten. 

It's a really pretty card, she mused as she turned it around. An intricate golden outline of a hooded man holding a staff and a lantern stood on a cliff that hung precariously over calm waters. Small stars and clouds peppered the black card in uneven intervals. But why hermit? Is this a new form of bullying? I guess I'm a hermit for living outside the dorm...?

She didn't think much of it as the bus approached. Oh well, I'll ask the others later. (Y/n) got onto the bus and took her usual seat near the back. To her surprise—well, actually, she wasn't surprised anymore—Kieran was there.

He looked amused at something as he lounged in his seat with a hand on his face, one long leg crossed over the other. At her arrival, his smirk turned into a grin. "Nice to see your beautiful face first thing in the morning," he purred.

"First of all," she said as she sat down next to him. He didn't bother to shift over and give her space. Instead, he rested his arm around her shoulders. "Flattery doesn't work on me. Second of all, don't you live in the dorm? Why are you taking the bus again?"

The white-haired male shrugged. "Didn't want to go back after our date," he said vaguely. "Went places." He changed the subject. "Hmm? What's that you have?"

"Oh, this?" She remembered the tarot card and envelope in her pocket. A corner of it was sticking out. She showed both items to him. "I got it in the mail this morning. Kinda weird. You know what it is?"

Just briefly, his eyes darkened and his smile faltered. "I—well, sort of," he sighed reluctantly. Kieran's entire demeanor changed as he uncrossed his legs and ran a hand through his hair, a conflicting look on his face. "I...I didn't think you'd get one."

(Y/n) frowned and played with the card in her hands. "What do you mean? Is it something bad?"

"Bad?" He snorted. "That's an understatement. You'll see when we get to school."

Throughout the ride, he offered no other explanation and refused to answer her questions despite her advances. He sidetracked her with mentions of his pillows and flirty comments that made her smack him.

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