entry #57 | ѕуѕтєм

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This was even less ideal than when she woke up just to see Kieran exit the shower with nothing but a towel on. (Y/n) never took Jasper as an impatient person. If life was a book, he'd be that one character grinning smugly behind the scenes while rubbing his ring-clad hands together, plotting his next move. On second thought, that sounded a lot more like Tristan but she had to admit; aside from their personalities, their minds worked the same way.

Which was why those two were the last two people who should ever meet each other, much less stand in the same room while one is holding a gun. A very familiar-looking gun.

Seeing Jasper wrench his arm away from Leon who had a stony expression as he looked back and forth between Kieran's gaping wound and the intruder, as well as the white-haired male grinning like a Cheshire Cat on the ground was not something she thought she'd ever see. Kieran was leaning against the couch with his shirt torn and bloodied, looking like an Arabian prince had it not been for the silver knife that (Y/n) was sure belonged to Mr. Brooks sticking out of his skin.

And there was Jasper. Honestly, all of her friends looked like supermodels and made (Y/n) feel like a rock next to them, not that there was any problem in that. Rocks are nice. Though if she had to choose which one of her friends was the easiest on the eyes, Jasper had to be the first with Lucinda a close second. The male even in his angered state boasted solid amethyst eyes and a shock of dark hair with a purple highlight that skirted the boundary between nobility and pop star.

Then there was Leon, looking unamused as he blocked the exit, making no move to help Kieran from the ground. There was no point; (Y/n) knew Jasper had come here mainly to kill Kieran. He wouldn't even try to leave before doing so. All three of them looked like they came straight out of a painting Jaehyun made. Where did she stand as a girl?

But, well, external beauty didn't matter. A pretty psycho was still a psycho.

"What is all this ruckus?" Tristan came down the stairs like royalty, the molten blue flames in his eyes hardening to diamonds over the scene of destruction. He didn't look too concerned, however, which led (Y/n) to believe this kind of thing happened often.

That was worrying.

"Barely two days have passed and you're already dirtying the floor again," the male plowed on with a sigh. "And it had to be the living room of all places. Fujikawa. Clean up your wound."

(Y/n) had to grin at that. She's gotten used to their animosity; she used to think of the P4 as a perfectly functioning singular unit. The student council president Tristan, the vice president Kieran, and the treasurer and secretary Leon and Jaehyun who never showed up like Kieran, leaving their work to the other unnamed members of the council. But really they were all separate people and anything but perfect.

"Your worry makes me blush," Kieran drawled, pulling the knife out of his wound horrifyingly slowly. The blade caught on his wound and sprung free with a new spurt of blood. (Y/n) winced but didn't look away. The white-haired male smiled wider as he let the knife fall through his fingers and land onto the carpet with a muffled sound. Now he was bleeding freely and faster, the crimson liquid spilling down his arm and onto his trousers, sealing his fate.

As if. The guy was almost more unkillable than Reese was. Speaking of Reese, she really needed to pay him a visit. He probably had mushrooms growing in his hair by now.

A look of disgust filled Tristan's face at the sight. He chose to ignore the male's taunting grin and directed his line of attention to his next victim. Jasper. The navy blue-haired male's lips curved up into an acidic smirk, all teeth and no warmth, as the two bluenettes locked eyes.

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