entry #8 | åя¢нïνє

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"Text me later about the project, 'kay?" Reese said, still looking a little uncomfortable with the prospect of a potentially dangerous person working with them. "And then we can work at my dorm."

"Your place? Are you sure?" (Y/n) asked.

He gave her a small but nonetheless sweet smile. "There's no way I'm letting him go to your place, (N/n). Besides, my dorm is much more comfortable than in a cafe or library."

And now it was the hard part. Informing the said "dangerous" person.

(Y/n) wanted to believe the zebra wasn't in any sort of trouble. She wasn't one for rumors, but neither was she fond of troublesome things. Maybe it was selfish, but she wanted to pass her school life peacefully and surrounded by her friends. She didn't need any sort of excitement in her life; it would disrupt her sleep.

"Do you want to say it?" She whispered to the redhead, nudging him gently with her elbow. "Or should I?"

"I-I'll do it," Reese gulped and placed a hand on his chest. "I'm the man here. I-it's not like I'm afraid of him or anything!" He took a deep breath and got out of his chair.

"You can do it!" (Y/n) cheered him on quietly. "Go Reese's Pieces!"

The redhead crossed the short yet intimidating distance between his and the black-haired male's tables in a single, long stride. "L-Leon, was it?" He started nervously. "W-what's good bro?"

(Y/n) wanted to facepalm and smack her friend at the same time.

"I-I mean!" He tried again. "(N/n) and I've decided to meet up at my place to work. We don't have a particular time in mind, u-unless you do?"

Leon slowly slid his silver gaze to the boy in front of him. His first thoughts were: who the f*ck is this sheep? Then his eyes landed on the familiar (h/c)-haired female. Ah, the middle school student.

(Y/n) wasn't a mind reader, but she knew a jerk when she saw one. And from experience, she knew how the face of someone who was judging her height looked like. Her dislike of the male skyrocketed.

"I don't care," he finally answered. "Pick whatever."

Reese released a breath he wasn't aware he was holding from the other male didn't lash out at him. "Oh, okay. How about this Sunday?"


(Y/n) choked down a groan. Seems like my weekends are going to be busy this week...so annoying...my precious weekends! Even though it wasn't his fault, she couldn't help but glare at the black-haired boy. Stupid zebra.

Leon felt someone burning holes into his forehead. He looked up by instinct at the murderous aura just as the girl rearranged her glare into an emotionless look once more. A little thrown off, he returned his attention to the window.

Her glare returned.

And then the bell rang.

Saved by the bell, (Y/n) thought bitterly as she began to pack up her things. "Let's go meet Keller," she told the redhead in front of her. "Should we...eat outside today?"

"(N/n)...volunteering to eat outside?!" Reese gasped, his eyes bugging out of its sockets. He took a step back. "Who are you and what have you done with my (N/n)—I mean, friend?"

"Excuse you too," she scowled. "I eat outside sometimes."

"Sometimes?" He scoffed. "More like never. When was the last time you've willingly stepped into the sun, you vampire?"

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