entry #41 | яєρℓåу

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Having discovered Jasper missing the next day, Mr. Brooks was nothing short of rage, disbelief, and worry all in one package. And she couldn't blame him; going off alone got Isla killed even when Keller went with her. Jasper knew this, yet he still went. He wasn't an unreasonable person controlled by emotions alone. She knew this, as Mr. Brooks should too. He never did anything without thinking it through which meant during the time (Y/n) had spent sleeping, he had been contemplating the risks and benefits of him straying from the group. It was an unpleasant reminder that (Y/n) failed to say the right thing to him yet again.

Mr. Brooks brushed down his hair in a side-swept style with one hand while going through his inventory of remaining weapons with the other. Where he hid all those knives and what use he had for then, she didn't know. She didn't want to know either.

"Does Reynolds have any self-defense training?" The man broke the tense silence with his knife-like voice. The (h/c)-haired girl's eyes flickered to him. "Martial arts, archery, shooting practice, anything?"

"Maybe," she answered softly, resting her chin on her knees. Her arms that were wrapped around her legs sported hands with broken fingernails from her biting them in anxiety. "Knowing his family, he's probably a black belt in all the martial arts." It was supposed to come out as a joke, but it fell flat.

Mr. Brooks didn't comment on it which she appreciated. "That's somewhat comforting," he sighed. "At least he's not a walking duck like the others. Although Campbell being taken down so easily is rather disconcerting. If a sports scholarship student can't manage our unnamed killer..." He trailed off as if just realizing he wasn't alone in the room. He cleared his throat.

"A-anyway, I was told you have access to the cameras?" If changing the subject was his version of an apology for his lack of delicacy, (Y/n) graciously accepted it. It was the most she'd ever get from him anyway. Besides, the fact they were having a civil conversation without him yelling at her for being such a slovenly and lazy student was a start. There's a first to everything, right?

She slowly nodded as she reached for the pocket of her blazer hanging on the back of the chair. She retrieved the slim device and handed it to him. "Winter Hall cameras won't work," she warned. "They got smashed."

He wordlessly nodded and accepted the device, a thoughtful look on his face as he began examining the footages. (Y/n) turned her gaze back to her knees; she was in no mood to start a conversation with her physics teacher, even if it's for brownie points. A cold wind blew through one of the windows, making her shiver. She made no move to close the heavy windows or retrieve her blazer. Be it the sluggishness from just waking up or the overwhelming fear that gripped her, fear for herself and for Jasper, her limbs refused to move.

Thankfully, the black-haired male didn't try to discuss his observations and ideas with her. (Y/n) didn't know if she'd be able to stomach watching the cameras with him when she knew her panic would only increase exponentially if she tried to find Jasper and couldn't find him...or saw something worse.

She didn't want to think about what could be worse.

A sudden movement beyond the classroom door caught her eye. She caught a glimpse of a silhouette standing there behind the door before ducking out of view. A little concerned but not quite afraid due to the comfort Mr. Brooks' presence gave her, the (h/c)-haired girl cast a look at the said male who was still engrossed in the surveillance cameras before scooting to get a better angle.

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