entry #25 | ρяσχу

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Mondays were the devil, especially when Satan's face was the first thing she had to see as soon as she got to school. What a pleasant start to a fine, Monday morning, am I right?

(Y/n) despised Mondays for many reasons, and it being the start of the school week was one of them. She had a new reason now beside it being called "Monday"—who even came up with that name—and that reason had the name of Tristan freaking K—



This is a problem, she thought as she sat down in front of the blue-eyed male. It's been like five sessions now and I don't remember his last name. Usually, I wouldn't care but he would go banshee if he finds out.

She needed to find out what his surname without him finding out. Because Fortuna decided to make her life especially worse today by making her already bad luck take a turn for the worst.

She had a form to fill out from the program. And she needed to write her tutor's full name under hers. Huzzah

Tristan had his own forms to fill out so she couldn't just say, "Hey, fill out your part and I'll do the rest!" If she did that, it would be the second coming of the Ice Age with the glare he was sure to give her. Why couldn't she have gotten a nicer and normal tutor? Why, Mrs. Richards, why?

(Y/n) wasn't sure if this was much better than spending almost an hour in math class. At least she could sleep there without getting hit with a ruler. Last week was a ruler and this week? Is that a riding crop I see in his bag?

The (h/c)-haired girl turned towards her all-time savior, Google. Maybe if I search up his first name I'll find out his last name! And so she did, typing the male's name gleefully into the search engine without considering that there were thousands upon thousands of people in the world named Tristan. But who knew? Maybe this Tristan was the most popular one.

The first hit was Tristan from a folktale. It was definitely not him—he looked like a Scandinavian bear crossed with a yeti. The second was a video about the Kardashians and their love life. Yep, definitely not him. That would break so many laws.

She changed her keywords to "Tristan" and "Fortuna Institute." She should've known all Fortuna files were classified and were normally impossible to leak to the public. All she got were legends and places she never heard of. None of them were the right Tristan.

(A/N: Holy I got something when I searched up Fortuna Institute. And here I thought I was being creative 😭)

What does his dad do again? (Y/n) opened up her website, logged in as the admin, and opened up various threads in search of the blue-haired male's name. There had to be something about him. The good part about the website was that where people were afraid to spread rumors to talk bad about the P4 behind their back, they did so freely on this forum.

(Y/n) wanted to laugh and cry at their stupidity at times. But it was fine—she was 99% sure the P4 didn't know the website even existed. Okay, I got a hit. She opened up the thread. It was a series of back and forth exchanges between a few girls that had graduated last year. They were discussing college admissions, and the topic somehow turned towards Tristan's hair. What did the two even have in common? Maybe if I copy his hairstyle I'll get into Cambridge? Ha, fat chance.

She got "Ice Prince," "Tryst darling," and "Trishbear." She highly doubted any of those were his last name. If she dared to write them down on the form, she'd be suspended, expelled three times, and exiled to Antarctica. I like penguins.

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