entry #40 | вℓå¢к нåт

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black hat
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Where is she? Keller wove through winding hallways and through opened and closed doors in search of the purple-haired girl, his worry growing with each passing second. He had gone to the nearest bathroom and even mustered the courage to go inside after Isla didn't respond to his calls. The bathroom was empty, and the girl wasn't anywhere near there.

The boy raked his hand through his hair in frustration. He could only hope the girl had run away in search of safety or simply got lost instead of what the darkest part of his mind was thinking. He shook his head to free himself of the sinister thoughts. Keller wasn't one for superstition, but thinking that way gave him a bad feeling as if he might actually jinx her by accident.

He pulled open a closet door. "Hello?" He called. "Myers?" His only answer was the sound of a broom falling over when he opened the door and jostled it. He tried again with another closed door. "Myers?" Again, nothing. Nothing at all. 

Where could she possibly be? The brown-haired boy reached into his pocket for his phone until he realized he left it with Jasper. He sighed and paced around the hallway deep in thought. Should I go back now or keep looking? I hope she's just lost and not killed by Mr. Howards if that bastard's still alive. If he is, I gotta get outta here too.

He tapped his foot against the ground before making up his mind. Better to regroup first and tell them about it. Then we could come up with a plan or something. Reluctantly, Keller cast one last look at the bathroom before turning around and heading back to the hallway where he'd come from.

The light from the windows flanking his right cast writhing shadows on the walls and floors, shapes of tree branches and the occasional silhouette of avians in mid-flight. Perhaps it was the lighting or his mind playing tricks on him, but that shadows seemed more disquieting than ever. It was as if they were taloned creatures reaching for him, threatening to drag him deeper and deeper in the endless cycle of deaths and paranoia that was Fortuna Institute's Game.

Or maybe it was just him not being used to a Hall other than Summer Hall. He had spent the majority of his school life in Summer Hall, after all, with the occasional visit to Autumn. Keller shrugged the foreboding feeling off. It must be nothing

But then again, after years of pulling Nicholas and Jason out of trouble, with the former's antics and the latter's sharp tongue, Keller has learned to trust his gut feeling. It has never betrayed him and this time, his gut was telling him he was in serious danger. He had to get out of there. And out of there he went, increasing his pace to a speed walk.

Unbeknownst to the brown-haired athlete, his discomforting feeling was on point.

He wasn't alone.

Behind him, a tall male too well-dressed and indifferent for someone who's been in the Game for five days was tailing him. He didn't bother to hide but keep his steps quiet and his presence low as he stayed a few paces behind the athlete. From an outsider's perspective, the scene might've been innocent. Just two students heading in the same direction.

But the silver glint in his hand said otherwise. No student had good intentions if they brought a gun to school.

Fortunately for his pursuer and unfortunately for the other male, Keller didn't seem to notice the new presence at first. He even glanced behind him a few times to check out his surroundings. With each look and each fail at discovering anyone following him, Keller began to drop his guard, little by little.

That was a fatal mistake and one that would lead to his downfall.

His stalker spun the gun in his hands by the trigger, his strides even and smooth as if he was doing nothing more than taking a leisurely walk. He ran a finger down the side of the barrel. He said to make it flashy, the male mused with a slight quirk of his lips into a smirk. I don't usually listen to that prick but I have to admit, he knows what he's doing.

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