entry #31 | dïѕ¢σηηє¢т

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It was strange how easily humans could break, in both body and mind. They ran from the creatures of their creations and demons born from their delusions, only to fall victim to the true monster they never saw hidden under human skin. Those monsters were what caused wars, created crime, plaguing mankind, and filling the eyes of grown men with stark terror and young boys with red poison. The notion was almost amusing, how men liked to blame each other without realizing they were the true monsters.

She felt numb. That was the only word that could describe how she felt. Her heart was devoid of anguish, regret, or anger—no emotion touched the girl as she gazed down at the body before her. 

Nicholas' figure was decorated with the work of one of those so-called monsters. His dark arms were splayed across the pale tiled floor with an open cut circling his throat like a grotesque collar. Dark bruises and bloodless wounds peeked out from the collar of his uniform. 

There was so much blood...it was everywhere. How did she not see it before? Splattered across the wall behind him, staining his white uniform red, and disguising his features. His hair clung damply to his face that showed an expression of wide-eyed terror. It reminded her of what she heard about Yvonne, (Y/n) realized. Killed by someone they knew.

She didn't see Reese's face and didn't bother to as he pulled her back into his chest. He didn't say anything as he hugged her. Her limbs felt frozen and refused to obey. Her eyes were dry and there was a bitter taste in her mouth, metallic and tangy.

(Y/n) barely felt it as the redhead wordlessly pulled her further away from the body. She felt out of touch with the wisp of a body she occupied as he sat them down against the wall furthest away from the table. She thought she had gotten used to seeing corpses; every day, week after week, year after year, she had faint recollections of seeing the battered bodies of tiny children being piled up in the corner of a cage. Only when it was full did the men in white bother to throw them out.

Broken, disfigured living beings and tattered, ruined corpses. It was nothing new to her. It should've just been another stain on her gray walls.

Only once she's seen it again did she realize; I still haven't stopped running.

Reese, as if picking up on her mental turmoil, stroked her hair softly. "It's okay," he whispered, his voice cracking. "It's a bad dream. It'll be over soon." He didn't sound like he believed it, but he did his best to keep the cheery undertone in his voice. She appreciated it. She appreciated him not asking her if she was okay.

Because she wouldn't know how to answer.

"C-card," (Y/n) managed to choke out. Her voice sounded foreign to her own ears. Dead, cold, and soulless. "Nick's...card." She started to stand up and move back towards the corpse, but Reese held her back.

"I'll do it," he said. "Stay here." The red-haired male slowly released her and stood up. His expression betrayed nothing as he bent over and began the gruesome work of moving Nicholas' body. The blood had yet to dry; he was recently killed, and the crimson liquid began creeping across the smooth floor at the disturbance.

He returned with a bloodstained card in his equally red hands. Number five, the Tower. "Should we...?" His voice trailed off.

(Y/n) somehow found it in her to nod her head, though slowly. "Yes. We'll take it. And his body..." She turned away as her head spun and her stomach heaved. "We need to bury it somehow. We can't outside but...not like this. This...this isn't right."

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