entry #77 | яєωιηd

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(Y/n) was woken up with the sound of footsteps. At least, she was pretty sure they were footsteps unless a ghost decided to play basketball in the middle of the night.

The steps were soft and tentative. Whoever they were, they didn't want to wake her up. Perfect for her, since she really wanted to continue sleeping. I swear to God if snowman is going to try anything...

But it wasn't Kieran unless he suddenly changed his cologne to one that smells like vanilla and lavender. It was a scent she recognized and dreaded at the same time. It was the same thing a certain resident duo-personality blond wore.

She kept her eyes squeezed shut and her breathing steady as the person, presumably Jaehyun, came closer to her sleeping form. Then he stopped. She could feel his presence dangerously close to her and she gulped. What does he want?

She heard the faint rustle of clothing as he crouched down in front of her. His eyes flitted across her face, something she was sadly aware of. She nearly flinched when his fingertips brushed against her cheek. Thank God she didn't because if she did...

Well, (Y/n) preferred to sleep the bad parts of life out. It made things easier.

Jaehyun rested his head on the bed next to hers. For once he wasn't blushing, which he usually did when he was close to her. The warmth that radiated from her skin onto his and the way she looked straight at him, her limpid eyes unclouded and unjudging—those things never failed to make his cheeks warm. In a good way, of course.

Though the current circumstances made that difficult. Instead, sadness crossed his face as he gazed at her. "Did you really choose Kieran?" He whispered, more towards himself than the sleeping female. "I don't believe that. There's no way someone as pure as you would choose a 썅놈년 like him."

The foreign word rolled smoothly off his tongue like honey. His English was always beautiful despite his subtle accent, especially with her soft, serene voice and angelic features to match. Many who've come to see the sole Kim heir's artwork were in awe of both his talent and his features. How could one who looked so angelic and delicate produce such heart-stopping work? Some even urged him to be a singer, claiming that they've never heard a more beautiful sound.

Yet his Korean was astonishingly better, hypnotizingly so. It made her shiver and calmed her at the same time.

Fortunately, he still didn't seem to realize she was, in fact, awake. He folded his arms on the bed under his head and continued gazing at her, taking in the way she was so silent and still in her sleep. Her tranquility wasn't unfamiliar to him; he's taken countless pictures of her before, and some were of her sleeping face. He had been shy at first when he broke into her apartment—he was raised never to look at a girl's sleeping face—but soon he grew bolder. Greedier. He was no longer satisfied with watching from afar.

A beautiful smile crept onto his face. "It's okay, (Y/n). I understand now." He unfurled himself from his position on the floor and crawled onto the bed, hovering over her body. He lowered himself so he was right behind her and hugged her tight to his chest, entwining his fingers with hers. The other him purred in satisfaction in his chest.

"It's impossible you're in love with that 썅놈년," he said again, confidence blooming in his voice with every word. He nuzzled his head into her neck. His breath left chills on her skin. "You're being deceived by him. He's tricking you...or forcing you. Either way, don't worry. I'll save you."

(Y/n) bit back a shout of surprise as a dart of pain lanced up her arm from his bone-crushing grip. She restrained her shudder as he softly kissed the back of her neck and squeezed her tighter. Jaehyun let out a blissful sigh.

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