entry #33 | ïηfïℓтяåтєd

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Surprise and relief flitted across her face both at once. Relief that she encountered another familiar face and shock that he was here in the first place. "What are you doing here?" I didn't think you were a player too, she added silently in her head.

Jaehyun's face turned sad for a moment before it lit up again. "I came to see you, (Y/n)," he said happily. "Am I...not allowed to?"

For some reason, I am seeing things today. She rubbed her eyes. Is it just me or do I see a puppy right now? "No! That's not what I mean. I'm just...surprised." Does this mean he knows what's going on?

As if reading her thoughts, he smiled reassuringly. "I'm not a player, (Y/n). You may not believe me, but I'm really not. We stopped attending these games since the 25th one. I wouldn't lie to you, would I?"

"I guess not...but does that mean you know what's going on here?"

His expression darkened. Just for a second, but it was there. "That old fart," he hissed under his breath, so low she missed it.

She frowned. "What did you say?"

His face cleared and his innocent smile was back. "Hmm? Did I say something?" 

Maybe I heard wrong...

"Anyway, you don't have to worry now." The blond took her hands in his and gripped them tightly. His eyes lowered, long lashes fluttering down over high cheekbones as he smiled bashfully. "I'll protect you. I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" His hand seemed to clench tighter and there was more force than usual in the last word, as if he was saying it more to himself than her.

She didn't think much of his change of tone. "I appreciate the sentiment," she laughed, all the sound sounded hollow to even her ears. "But I'll be fine. I have Reese with me...remember him? If you're not in this...game thing, you stay out of it, Jay. It's too dangerous!"

For some reason, she felt the strange need to choose her words carefully, as if she was talking to a volatile child more than a friend she's spent weeks painting and joking around with now. The smile had slipped from his face as he processed her words, turning them over in his head.

"It's always him..." he growled.

"Hmm? What did you say?"

Jaehyun smiled sweetly and shook his head. "Nothing! Nothing at all. If we're going to find that...friend of yours, we better be going now, right?"

"Well, yeah. I guess." It snapped her out of the momentary confusion she felt towards the blond and back into the weight of their situation. "Wei Wei, she—" Oh god.

"She won't be able to do anything to you while I'm around," he reassured her. But (Y/n) was shaking her head no.

"No, not that. If she tried to...stab me, she might try to do it to others." The look on the black-haired girl's face—(Y/n) knew it all too well. It was the look of someone crazed by their emotions, succumbing to them, and losing all reason in the process. It was the look of someone driven by paranoia. Paranoia is humanity's poison and what created so many monsters.

"Can we stop her somehow? Like, take her out of the game?"

Jaehyun tapped his chin thoughtfully. "The easiest way to take someone out is to kill them," he said flippantly as if it wasn't a big deal. His tone shocked her. "You have a gun, right? I can help you. It'll be easy, even though I don't usually do guns—"

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