1- You're Disgusting

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"You didn't! " Cadenza gasped in disbelief,

"I did!" I squeaked, clapping my hands together enthusiastically.

Honestly, I get this kind of behaviour from her is daily. But that doesn't mean that I understand how she has so much energy all of the time, it's just unnatural... must be speed or something.

"You're so naughty!!" she squeeled.

I hushed her and put a finger to my mouth, "Don't tell the world."

"Okay, okay, sorry-"

I cut her off mid sentence by suddenly getting up, "Someone's here." I said as if my sensory magicks picked up extra body heat to make me look more badass, but I actually just heard Zack shout. (a/n all of your senses are increased. Hearing, touch, taste, sight, smell)

"Sorry to cut the conversation short gorgeous, gonna check this out; I doubt Zack can handle them on his own." he probably could, but I love guarding the gate. It's so fun to make people hate me.

Cadenza gave me a funny look but I just passed her back a dorky smile and jogged off.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I questioned while walking up to Zack.

"A group of adventures, claiming to be friends with Cadenza."

I wasn't aware that she had any friends besides me. Usually all her 'friends' are actually other friendly village chiefs, or dead. "We'll see about that," I said cockily, "You." I pointed to a small girl, who kind of resembles a potato, "What's her favourite hobby?"

It may seem like an easy question, but such a trivial hobby isn't good to be made public with someone of her high status... apparently.

"Sewing and making clothes." she replied in a respectful yet questioning tone. Don't question my methods, shortass.

"Good," I replied, surprised. My gaze moved towards the boy with brown hair and blue eyes, eye candy if I don't say so myself.

He must've noticed that I was going to ask him a question next, because he got hella sassy.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I'm her goddamn brother! I don't need to answer to you!"

I scoffed and mocked him, "I don't need to answer to you! I don't know if you've noticed buddy, but I'm up here and well... You're down there, so if you want to get in you have to do as I say."

Zack came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Tone it down, y/n-"

I turned to him, and in a confident, patronising yet reassuring voice I said, "Zack, I've got this, trust me."

He put his hands up as if to say sorry and backed up, when the little brat by the docks shouted "bite me".

I say little, but he looks a few years older than me.

I smirked, "That can be arranged," I jumped down and landed on my feet right in front of him, then grabbed his right shoulder with my left hand and swung myself around him. He didn't move a muscle. I was behind him and I pressed myself against him, my mouth dangerously close to his ear. I whispered, "where would you prefer..." my fingertip on my right hand gently moved to his cheek, "here? " then it glided towards his neck, "or maybe here..."

"You're disgusting." he almost puked the words, it was low key funny, my mouth flinched a bit, but I shook it off and let go of him, moving a few steps in front of him.

"Maybe," I replied as if nothing happened. I dusted myself off, "I get that a lot."

Cadenza ran down ecstaticly and literally flung herself into the little girls arms with so much force that they fell onto the sand. "Aphmau! It's been so long!"

She looked up to the boy and screamed once again, "Laurance! I missed you so much!" the pitch of her voice went back to normal once noticing she was in public. "Sorry for the cold welcoming, y/n can get like that sometimes."

"It wouldn't really call it cold." Laurance spat out. I pulled a face and flipped him off.


I hoped you liked my first chapter! This is the second proper book I've published on here, but enjoy :))

Also don't worry it calms down further in the book kinda lol

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now