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I reluctantly opened my eyes, slowly and painfully adjusting from the dark. It's seriously morning? This really is a setback. Note to self: never listen to Laurance. Ever.

Ow, my head. I thought as I tried to lift my arm to support it. Only, I couldn't move either of my them. I was restrained. In the worst way possible. No, not by chains. No, not by electric strings that'll send me into shock if I moved. But by a person. Not just any person. Laurance. Who is very, very, extremely heavy. He was lying on my chest, "Wake the fuck up you freakazoid." I blushed while fidgeting trying to jitter him awake.

Eventually, my attempts worked, "Y/n? He asked, "What's going on?"

"Your fucking idiot self got us both captured!"

"Back the shit up," he halted, moving himself from me, unphased from our previous position, "you got us captured, not me."

"That is totally, utterly, incorrect." I disagreed, "I got myself captured, and you just gave up like a pussy."

"Wow." he stated while sighing, "You really are something else."

Yeah, you bet I am. I thought, getting annoyed. I grunted and threw my body around with a huff in a different direction. That's when I noticed two, no three, recognisable faces. They looked back at me, realising our situation. It was Sasha, Gene, and Zenix.

I gave them a look to see what they're going to do, and guess what they did. Guess what they fucking did. Those cunt-faced cock-heads walked off, completely ignoring me. That's when I remembered the words Vylad said to me:

"Gene, Sasha and Zenix haven't 'got your back'."

Clearly, he was right. I sprinted towards them but got stopped by an iron cage. My hands grabbed onto the bars, "GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARDS!" I yelled. They continued to ignore me.

"Just drop it." Laurance said, "Shadow Knight's only help someone that's captured if they're there important or useful, which we're obviously not. That doesn't mean we can't escape ourselves though, so we just have to wait for the right time and be careful about their stupid ring leader."

"How are you staying so care-free here?" I asked in disgust, leaning on the bars moodily.

He lightly laughed, "To be Frank, I'm enjoying it. Being trapped here with you, that is." he winked, making me scoff in disbelief. "seriously though, we can easily bust out of here in no time."

I sighed. This boy has issues. "Then why be so moody?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?" he asked, mumbling a 'you're the moody one here' in a bored tone and slight annoyance of my repeated question.

"Yeah, yeah, you fear if you enjoy yourself too much here you'll leave the Nether again." I mumbled, "I just don't get it, I enjoy myself all the time, in fact I'm probably enjoying myself even more out here - despite the circumstances. But it's not like I want to stay here. So it just doesn't make sense to me."

"How do you stay so enthusiastic and cheerful then?" he questioned

I looked at him joyfully and smiling, "Because I'm with you."

Ew what the FUCK just came out of my mouth!? I'm actually going to make myself throw up.

"What do you mean?" he questioned with a small grin that he hid with a confused expression.

"Everyone at the Nether aren't waiting for us. It's like Vylad said, they don't have our back. I was never that close with anyone here apart from Cadenza anyway. So I actually don't... I dont have anywhere to go. I've been follwoing other people since forever, I'm too scared to be by myself. Now Vylad is missing again, no one is waiting for us in the Nether, and I cant face Cadenza after what I did before. Whatever you choose, I'll follow. Because honestly, my lifes been pretty boring until I met you."

He started laughing histerically, "You're such a fucking simp."

Suddenly, a rush of anger flooded me. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE CALLING A SIMP, HUH?" I shouted, charging at him ready to throw hands. But, because I was close the the edge of the cage, one of the guards grabbed me by folding both their arms up from under my arms. "LET ME AT HIM!" I demanded, "LAURANCE, I SWEAR ON MY OWN FUCKING LIFE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! GET YOUR PUNK ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!"

My outburst caused him to gasp and jump, I could see the fear in his eyes as he scurried to the other side of the cage. Mission accomplished.

"Shut up!" the guard ordered, but I continued to squirm and fidget.

Leaving them with no choice, they knocked me out. Again.


So i downloaded obey me out of curiosity a few days ago and I was expecting to delete it but I'm now obssessed and it's replaced wattpad so oops sorry guys

Obv I'm still updating the same amount but I'm just not gunna write as much

That's fine tho bc ive #finished writing this book anyway


Update I've been playing obey me for 224 days, I checked this morning

Hot demon boys. That's all I need to say. and a FUCKING ANIME IS COMING OUT THIS SUMMER

Update 2: been over 600 days of logging now. I think it was 2 years last month since I downloaded it. It started as a joke and now I'm simping for 11 more fictional men on top of all the others

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now