7- Don't Touch That!

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Laurance has been avoiding me all day. Whoops. But its not my fault, right? I mean he kissed me, not the other way round.

I smack myself on the head, "stop thinking about it, you pebble."

"Who's a pebble?" a voice asked, I looked up to see who it was. Katelyn.

"Katelyn! You're awake!" I shouted in amazement, obviously a bit too loud because she pulled a face like she just ate spicy food. really spicy food.

"Gah," she whined, "too loud."

"Haha, oops. Sorry."

Laurance ran upstairs, clearly hearing my scream. He looked at me then instantly looked away in what seems like a mix of anger and upset. It's like he's never been rejected before.

"Katelyn!" he exclaimed, a lot softer than me. He kneeled at the side of her bed and voluntarily looked at me this time, "Y/n, go find Aphmau!"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, boss." I replied sarcastically, kicking his leg on the way out.


"Look for Aphmau." I mocked to myself while stroppily moping around in search for Aph and the others. Suddenly, I saw this glowing thing in the middle of the forest. And like any other normal person, I went to check it out. Once I had found it, my arm subconsciously stretched out to touch it.

"Y/n! No!" Travis shouted, "Don't touch that!" but it was too late. I tripped on a rock and my whole body had fell onto it.

I was teleported to this strange place, it was dark and... Boiling. I could feel my blood bubbling, it felt like I was inside a kettle.

I looked up and saw Aphmau as... An angel? What the shit did I get myself into?

I didn't even get myself into this, Cadenza made me!

She had a weapon and was going for some edgy grown man. Oh, it's probably the Demon Warlock. Good thing I didn't say that alloud.

That mother fucker has the two little brats that followed us on the boat!

Aphmau impaled that ugly ass mofo and we all returned to where Travis and Garroth was, back on Enki Island.

"What. The. Fuck." I said, Aphmau turned to me.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?"

I ignored her, "Were you an angel?"

"It's a long story..." she answered,

"Well we don't have time right now, Katelyn's awake!"

"She is? What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Garroth said, and we all ran off to where she was resting.

Travis ran next to me, "Katelyn's the pretty bluenette, right?"

I looked at him, "Yes , Travis, Katelyn is the pretty bluenette. I know what you're thinking, and I strongly disagree. She will not be happy."

His eyes lit up like a little child, "How do you know what I'm thinking? Are you... Psychic?" he whispered the word 'psychic' as if it was some huge secret only him and I know.

I laughed, "Not quite." I pointed to his 'belt'.


"Katelyn! Eeeee!!!" Aphmau squealed, her voice was so high pitched it was sending needles through my ear. Just like Cadenza did to Aphmau at our first encounter, Aph flung herself onto Katelyn. It looked painful. Being so small will put all the force into one place than spreading and diluting the pain - even I winced.

"Argh!" Katelyn breathed, though it was more of air being forced out by Aph jumping on her lungs.

"Whoops, sorry!" she apologised and climbed off like she was a child on a tree.

"It's... Fine. Can we leave? This island gives me the creeps." No time to waste, huh?

"I second that." I replied, getting a smile from Katelyn. Her look of support for my backup soon turn into confusion and disgust.

I turned around to see Travis behind me, practically drooling over her, it was pretty disgusting. I'm pretty sure a drop of saliva dropped onto my shoulder.

"Uh- I'll go ask the doc if it's okay." I said while stamping on his foot, knocking him out of his... Trance?

"What- hm- um- yeah, do uh, do that.. Yeah." Travis forced out clumsily.

I smacked him round the back of his head, "You're such a freak."


I didn't have a single hint as to where I was going so I just wandered around the building until I found someone in a nurse uniform, "Hey uh, we're the travellers and my friends are upstairs with an injured blue haired girl. I just wanted to make sure if it's okay to leave soon?"

"Oh, yeah I remember you. I don't think it's a good idea to leave just yet," the nurse informed me, "Katelyn is showing signs of concussion so we want her here overnight just in case something worse develops, but if all is good you should be free to leave by tomorrow morning."

"Sweet! Thank you so much!" I smiled and sprinted upstairs to tell them, and for Aph to tell me what I just witnessed.

(i know the boat was on fire, just pretend they put it out in time so they don't have to repair it. )

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now