15- Fuck You

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"Who goes there?" a strange high pitched voice said. It had come from above us. There was a Meif'wa in a tree - she had green eyes with light purple hair and deeper purple ears.

"Please forgive us," Aphmau apologised. "we thought this place was inhabited."

"Oh, it pretty much is." the cat-girl said, "I'm the only person living here. My name is Michi by the way, please come, stay for the night so you don't have to live like savages."

"That would be lovely!" Aphmau replied. "Thank you so much."

"I don't think this is a good idea, Aph, we dont know anything about her." Katelyn warned,

"Don't be silly, she's a sweet Meif'wa."


She lead us to her house, "This is very homely." I said.

"Thanks! It's perfect timing as well, I just made tea, cookies and cake; anyone up for it?"

Michi handed everyone tea and cookies. Aphmau took it almost instantly while Katelyn was more hesitant, but she practically forced it into her mouth, and after that she was downing them like a hungry bear. Who eats cookies with tea? You're supposed to have biscuits with tea. These people are so uncultured.

Laurance was checking out her bookshelf containing all different kinds of novels. I was sat on the stairs drinking her tea, observing everyone as I looked over most of the bottom floor.

The beverage is really bitter, but I'm so thirsty. I overheard Michi's conversation with Aphmau: she asked if Laurance was her lover. Aph blushed and began to stutter. Is Cadenza sure that Aphmau doesn't like him? Michi got up from the sofa and started to (or at least try to) flirt with him. I was subconsciously glaring at her the whole time, and I couldn't look away for some reason.

"Do you think I'm cuter than Aphmau? Nya~"

You're asking about the wrong girl, honey.

I leaned closer, and began losing my temper. My eyes narrowed to focus on them only.

"I- I beg your pardon?" Laurance stuttered. Why is he stuttering?

"Admit it," Michi ordered, "cat-girls are so much cuter than regular girls."

"I'm sorry, miss, but I'm not interested in anyone except Aphmau."

I can't even explain the emotions I was feeling when he said that. I'm not jealous, surely? No. I'm angry because he still refuses to move on from Aphmau, but thinks that it's alright to flirt with me... unless, that's just how he acts towards people in general? Is this his flirty personality that Cadenza told me about?

Angrily, I slammed my mug on the stairs, making a loud noise causing the attention of the three and resulting in them looking over to my direction. I briefly glared and Laurance, and then joined Katelyn in the kitchen eating the cookies.

"What's her problem?" Michi asked briefly, before returning to her old conversation, "Don't you want to make her jealous with me? Nya~"

"I don't think it would be Aphmau he'd make jealous." Katelyn mumbled slyly, only loud enough for me to hear.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked her, though it was more like a demand.

"Oh, nothing, nothing."

Why is everyone so irritating today?

Suddenly, there was a loud thump. Laurance had been knocked out. I jumped over the kitchen counter and sprinted over to him. I kneeled down and placed his head on my lap, gentle-ishly smacking his cheek, "Laurance, wake up! You're such a pussy, this is your second time you've passed out in the last 24 hours."
I glared as Michi, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?"

"Oh, it wasn't just him, dear." She giggled mischievously. Is it weird how I now feel strangely attracted to her?

Aphmau and Katelyn soon dropped to the ground as well. My vision started to get hazy and I became nauseated. I thought everything smelled out of date. "Fuck... You..."


So I've written over 40 chapters now

For someone i like to write, but I really hate English. Lmao how ironic.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now