40- You're Very Giggly Today

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"I just don't understand what's going on." Aph confusingly admitted, causing Katelyn to sigh. The three boys were working on getting at least one house done, so us girls were just going for a leasurely stroll.

"Let's make it a bit clearer then." Katelyn suggested, snatching the scarf around my neck. I tried to object but it was futile, all I could do was take it back. I blushed and put the scarf into my bag in defeat.

"Oh no," Aph gasped, startled, "you got bit too! We need to find out what these bugs are A.S.A.P."

Katelyn huffed, "They're hickeys, Aph."

She looked embarrassed, as would everyone else in her position, she was redder than I was.

I refused to say anything, or even look up for that matter. Katelyn started to laugh, "So I was right the first time, you are a couple."

"No, we're not." I muttered, still not looking up. Honestly, I don't know why I'm so embarrassed, usually this sort of thing wouldn't affect me. Probably because I'm not normally exposed like that. I'm usually the one to reveal myself.

"Oh, okay, the second time then," she corrected herself, "friends with benefits. You little hussy!"

"That's enough, Katelyn," Aphmau ordered. I know she's just joshing, but why am I so upset?

"Yeah, yeah, alright," Katelyn obeyed, "I'll go make a crop patch to make sure we don't run out of food. See ya." she walked off towards the ship to get the right supplies.

"You didn't have to do that," I half-thanked Aphmau, "there was really no need too, I'm not that hurt."

"I wasn't doing it for you," she said, blushing deeper, I looked at her confusingly, she could barely force out: "Me and A-Aaron...".

I smirked at her, but didn't say anything in case I made her feel even more awkward. I knew she wasn't as innocent as she was letting on.

Suddenly, I heard voices. "Shh," I hushed, "can you hear that?"

Aphmau heard them too, "It's the guys."

It seemed like we both had the same idea. We grinned at each other mischievously and hid in the bushes near-by. We giggled to each other and listened to their conversation.

"So, you and y/n, huh?" Travis teased, resulting in Garroth instantly starting to giggle that amazing laugh.

"What about it?" Laurance replied, totally unfazed of the question.

"Guehuehue." Garroth continued to giggle. Sweet, awkward, stutter-y Garroth.

"You're a thing, right?" Travis asked, causing Laurance to sigh.

"No, we're just friends." he answered.

Looks like I actually got through to him.

"Come on, bro, it's so obvious she's into you."

"You think?" he asked.

My eyes widened, shitshitshit.

"Abort, abort!" Aphmau whisper-shouted, crawling away.

"Wait, don't leave me!" I whisper-shouted back, but it was already too late. Running would be useless now. I curled up into a ball, head down. Testing the limits of 'if I can't see you, you can't see me'.

The hedge we were hiding in rattled, "I think you might be right." Laurance agreed.

I hesitantly looked up, "O-oh, hey L-Laurance..." I stuttered, smiling at him innocently.

"Hey, y/n," he replied confidently while smirking like a lunatic, "what are you doing here?"

"Well, um, you see," the words tumbled out of my mouth as if what I said didn't matter as long as I spoke. Of course, that wasn't the case and I needed to make something up quickly, "I dropped an earring."

"You don't wear earrings." he said.

Fuck you. How dare you remember things about me.

"Y-yeah. They're Aphmau's. U-um, she was going to pierce them for me." I lied. At least I'm able to form proper sentences now.

"Well then, I'll let you get to it," he said, turning around and kind of walking away before turning around, "but just a quick double back," (b99 stans anywhere?)


"Why was Aphmau piercing you ear behind a bush, and where is she right now?"

"Uhm, the uh... lighting... It's a lot better here. And, uh, she's um, she's going to get a different set in case I couldn't find these ones..."

"Oh, well maybe I could help you find them-" He offered.

"NO!" I shouted, making myself more suspicious... Whoops. "You should get back to work, I'll go look for her... To make sure she's alright. Plus, you can't leave this so called 'house' in that state."

He hummed skeptically, but later accepted it. "Sure, have fun. You gotta show me your earrings when they're in though."

"Yeah... Sure." I agreed, then left as quickly as I could.


"You know she was lying, right?" Travis asked to Laurance as he arrived back to their poorly-constructed building.

"Oh yeah." He replied cockily, wondering the real reason for mine and Aph's stake-out. He smirked when he thought of a certain answer, one that he wanted to believe was the real reason whether it was right or not.

"Guehuehue, you two are terrible at keeping things to yourselves." Garroth laughed at the hilarious exposition he had just witnessed.

"You're very giggly today, Garroth."


What's this? I'm posting more regularly?

No way.

I won't say get used to it, but I'll update whenever I feel like it.



So much shit happening at school rn its fucking mental

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now