49- I'll Take It

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I was one of the first to wake up for once, probably because I was on a log. No wait, it's Laurance. What a surprise.

I shook him awake, "Get up, dingus. We need to go get breakfast."

He slowly opened his eyes and sat up, "What do you mean by 'get breakfast', Haven't we already got it?"

"Unless you brought more food with you on the boat, we have to hunt for it. Travis ate all our food." I informed him, annoyed.

"Shouldn't you get changed first? I don't see how you can hunt in that get-up."

I laughed and pointed at my tent, "You really think that I'm going in there? No thanks, Travis is worse than me when he's been woken up. That's why you're coming with me. Besides, it's not like you're in the best clothes to hunt either." I said, gesturing to the fact that he's literally only wearing boxers. Does he not care about bugs and, I don't know, the cold?

"Ugh, fine. But you owe me." he agreed, pissed off.

"No I don't, if you brought back more food we wouldn't be having to do this, so actually you owe me." I told him, grabbing a couple small knives and my backpack.

"That's not how it works! Aphmau said to only bring a small amount of food to last the boat trip because we had plenty here, so if anything, you should blame her."

I gasped, "How dare you try and blame little Aphmau! That's so disrespectful, you're her guard!"

"You're such a pain," he sighed, "Where are we going anyway?"

"To the river," I answered while casually skipping along my imaginary path, "deer seem to go there a lot."

"Good idea." he replied, walking behind me shivering because, and I repeat, he's only wearing boxers.

Eventually, we arrived at the river. There weren't any animals near just yet, so we waited.

"How come you're not bringing a sword?" he asks, splashing river water on his face to wake him up.

"I don't really need a whopping sword to kill a damn animal or a silly imp. And, it's a lot of extra unnecessary weight."

He nods with understanding and we sit in silence for a moment. He had some look on his face indicating that he was having an internal argument, and I didn't want to interrupt.

"So, y/n, about last night-" Laurance started.

"What about it? Nothing happened and I thought we agreed on that. I said some really dumb things I didn't mean. It was just a breakdown, I have them sometimes. No biggie." I cut in, awkwardly refusing to look at him out of embarrassment, trying to play it off that I was looking out for animals.

"That sort of is a 'biggie'," he (incorrectly) told me, "but could I at least just say this?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"I'm sorry, but I don't want you to be my girlfriend out of pity." he said strangely, is this some kind of insult? Did he mix up something yesterday and think we're going out? I don't know, but it was weird.

"Thats okay, because me neithe-" I answered, finally turning around to look at him.

"I want you to be my girlfriend because I like you!" he pleaded, bowing down Japanese-style.

"Are you just stating a fact, telling me to date you, or are you asking? Because it's kinda difficult to determine which one." I asked, grabbing his shoulders and forcing him to stand up straight.

"Why does it matter?" he asked back, "Are you taking the job or not?"

"I never even applied for it," I replied, trying not to smile and failing miserably, "but I'll take it."

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now