36- Man Baby

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Okay so the video doesn't really have anything to do with the chapter but like it and did you know that THIS BITCH WAS ON PITCH PERFECT like W H A T!?!? Love this guy not even sorry


"You're so mean." Travis cried, pulling tighter on the towel wrapped around him to find extra warmth after almost catching hypothermia.

"Yeah, right." Laurance double-agreed, holding the back of his head. It's like he knows I love it.

Can he not?

"I say you're just pussies," Katelyn told them, "and disgusting, vile, human beings that deserved to be burned alive."

"Preach sister." Aphmau concurred.

"This is so unfair." They whined.

"Girls support girls." I warned them, happy with my back up from the other two.


The sun began to rise, but just as I was almost put into a trance watching it someone interrupted.

"W-we're here," Garroth told us, safely docking the ship, "but I don't know how I managed to steer the whole time."

"Thanks Gar~Gar," I said with gratitude, mocking Laurance's previous pet name for him, "I owe you one."

"Hey, only I can call him that!" Laurance scalded.

"That sucks," I pouted, "guess I can't call you Laur~Laur either. :("

He lightly blushed, but quickly snapped out of it when he realised I was joking, "What happened to buttercup of hot mess?"

"Well, you're not really a mess anymore. You're not quite hot either. Plus, you're not really a buttercup, I'd say you're more like spinach or kale." I informed him, very matter-of-fact.

"What like the food?" he asked, almost upset.

"Yep." I confirmed, lightly smiling.

"Wow, I'm hurt." he fake-cried, holding his chest.

"Don't be, it has a good meaning behind it." I was now smiling innocently and sweetly.

"And what's that?" he questioned, getting more and more curious by the second.

"A story for another time." I told him, sharing a wink then jumping off the boat and onto the shore. The island was huge, perfect for being able to expand and grow, despite needing a lot of work from it being inhabited.

"There's supposed to be some ruins around here, so that'll be good to investigate. It's supposedly related to Lady Irene." Aphmau told us, since there's this opportunity of Aph being a direct descendant or actually being her yada yada - she's told me before but it always just goes through one ear and slips back out the other - the more we know about Irene the better pretty much.

"Hey guys, you should come see this..." Travis said, already on a high hill. How did he even get there?

Everyone slowly hiked up the mini-mountain. "No. way." Aphmau breathed in disbelief.

I trailed behind to see the view they were looking at. It was the ruins.

"Well, that was quicker to find than expected." Garroth admitted, brushing his hair back with his hands.

"Let's go check it out then." I stated enthusiastically, grabbing both Travis' and Garroths wrists and dragging them down with me. However, there was one factor I didn't pay attention to: how steep the hill was. I barely got 10 steps down before tripping and falling, taking both guys with me, rocketing down and probably breaking a couple ribs on the way. All. The. Way. Down.

As I tumbled down I could hear sticks snapping (they might've been bones), Garroth slurring ah's and curse words, though that could've been me, and Travis screaming like a little girl. Despite all of this though, I could hear the sound of Aphmau shouting at us asking if we were okay WHILE WE WERE STILL FALLING, Katelyn 'ohing' and 'oofing' at each timpe we hit a rock or firmly splashed onto the ground, and Laurance laughing his ass off.

"FUCK YOU DICK WARD!" I howled at him as I tumbled down.

Finally, we had stopped rolling down the hill and I was at the bottom of it. Unfortunately, there were not one, but two, grown men with all their weight slapped on top of me.

"It's very difficult to breath right now guys." I told them, quickly retrieving an apologetic Garroth who swiftly stood up and brushed himself off like nothing happened.

Wow, he's tough.

Travis slumped himself off but was just as out of breath as I was.

Soon after, we were accompanied by our 3 other friends - aparently Aaron went off by himself again - who were totally unscaved. So unfair.

"They're not walking by themselves now." Aphmau stated, taking a step back and throwing up her hands, "I'm not doing it."

"Me neither," Garroth said, "I would usually, but I just fell down too and I did it last time."

"I'm actually fine," I told them, slowly standing up, but I got forced back down by Travis who grabbed my wrist.

"No, you're not." he mumbled to me.

"Excuse me?" I whispered back.

"If you get carried, that means I can be held by Katelyn..." he trailed off, almost drooling.

"Fine, but you owe me." I told him, getting an eager nod. I faked trying to stand up but then falling back down onto my knees again, "On second thought, maybe I do need some help."

"That's fine," Katelyn said, "Laurance and I can help you both out." she walked up to us, put me on her back, and gave me a piggy back. Whereas Laurance flung Travis over his shoulder the same way Garroth did to him the night before.

We were all in a single file line, guiding our way through the forest like a snake. Aph was in front, then Garroth, then Laurance and a very upset Travis, then Katelyn and I.

I looked to the now depressed, white-haired male, "Didn't go as you planned, did it?" I asked, jokingly mocking him.

"Why do the God's hate me so much?" he whined, crying and dribbling all over Laurance's back.

Laurance shook Travis, "Stop being a baby," he ordered, "my back is soaking."

Typically, Travis didn't listen and he continued to cry a drool everywhere like the massive man baby he is.


The spinach / kale thing is so cringy and cheesey but I wanted to spread my knowledge of plants.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now