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I accidentally added a new chapter and wrote this to be able to save it, I'm not disappointed.


I woke up on that familiar boat bed from oh so long ago. Although I do love a good power nap, it's the comfiest thing I've slept on it's months and I'm not about to give that up, I hugged the pillow tighter. That's when I realised I didn't have the dovet on me, must've moved it during my sleep, I don't really care though because I'm warm enough anyway.

"Are you guys a thing or something?" a familiar, deep, hot voice said. Garroth.

"What? No. Who?" I murmered sleepily.

"Then why are you in the same bed?" he asked, I finally opened my eyes to see... Laurance. Again.

The worst thing is, he took all the dovet.

"It's not like that," I corrected calmly since I'm still only half awake. That's when I realised I wasn't hugging the pillow, I was holding him. Again. Our bodies were intertwined, this is getting old. I held onto the dovet and kicked him off, "Neither one of us would give up the bed." I lied. The the thump of Laurance crashing onto the floor caused him to jump up, quickly, in a ready-to-fight stance.

"What's going on?" he asked swiftly.

I huffed and rolled over, pulling the quilt to fully cover me.

"Absolutely not!" A voice said, ripping off my newly made comfort, leaving me cold and angry. "Get up right now, little missy."

"I am not little!" I spat back at Travis.

Katelyn walked in now, "You are too." she laughed.

"Taller than you!" I yelled back. I'm really getting personally attacked tonight.

"You are not!" she howled back,

"Are too!" I bawled.

"Stop bickering!" Aphmau ordered, now walking into the room, "You're both taller than me, so just shut up."

I mean, she's right. Katelyn and I both went silent. And now we're all in one room, just standing there. Starting at each other. Quietly. I didn't even realise that amount of people could fit in one closet of a room.

"Oh no way," Laurance said to break the silence almost like reading my mind, "looks like we're all finally in the same place for once."

"Not everyone." Garroth counteracted

"Who else then?" I asked, "Vylad?"

"Aaron." Aphmau told us

"Who's that?" Laurance added to the interrogation.

She blushed and internally lectured herself, "The stranger."

"Oh! You mean that freaky quiet guy?"

"He's not freaky!" she scolded,

"Of course you'd know," I laughed to myself, hearing a couple of laughs from Laurance and Travis as well.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She growled,

"Nothing really. Nothing wrong with being a freak either." I told her, winking in the direction of the two boys who seemed to be the only people to get my joke.

Within seconds, the three of us started crying with laughter. "Yeah, yeah, let it all out." Katelyn said, "but can we at least get going?"

"I agree," Garroth said, being the bigger person and ignoring the dying trio from oxygen starvation, "I'll steer for a while."

"Good idea," Aphmau praised, "Katelyn, you make sure we're good to go and I'll double check our supplies. Y/n, Laurance, I've brought a change of clothes for you both." she laid down the clothes in two piles and walked out.

I weakly gave a thumbs up as a thanks, leaning on my knee with the other hand, cackling and wheezing like my life depended on it. The joke itself wasn't that funny, but the three of us kept adding to it; like taking the piss out of each others facial expression or pointing out the strange sounds escaping from each of our mouths.

"Okay boys, let's go." Katelyn demanded, dragging them out by their ears so I can change in privacy. She threw them out of the door and followed them out. I picked up my clothes then sat down on the bed, taking a deep breath to replenish the oxygen debt that I built up over the past few minutes.

I smiled to myself, partly because of what had just happened, but mainly because he actually laughed. Laraunce, I mean. He really laughed and really meant it. It's been ages since I've seen him that happy. I knew it was a good idea to come back. I just hope that Vylad left the Nether too, and that he's safe.

I got changed into my new attire, it's actually pretty cute. I walked over to the door and opened it, revealing the same two males I had almost just died with, with fall into the room. "You're joking." I whispered angrily, clenching my fist. I punched them, sending them both flying into the sea. Now, my voice was a lot louder, "PERVERTS!"


I forgot to post one yesterday, very sorry.




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