26- I Lived Here

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As I went through the purple portal, I began to feel nauseous. This is a weird feeling. When do I know to walk out? Do I step out or will it force me out when we're there? Suddenly I felt a hand on my wrist dragging me out. It was Laurance, "You'll get used to it." he laughed.

"Where are we?" I asked. Everything was green, I could actually see the sun. It was mesmerising. I stared at everything in awe for what felt like an eternity until Laurance finally broke my trance.

"This used to be a werewolf village, but as you can tell, it's been deserted."

He was right. I was so overwhelmed by the the beauty I didn't even notice the destroyed houses and huts.

"I recognise this place." I told him, how do I know it?

"Oh that's right!" Laurance said, "We're right by Meteli!"

My eyes lit up, "Well... I'm sure Gene wouldn't mind if we were to pay it a visit."

Laurance began to glow, but he slapped himself quickly to snap out of it, while I just looked at him confused.

"Yeah, I bet it'll be alright if we stayed out of sight." He muttered.

I squeeled in delight, took his hand and ran to my old home. I stopped when it was in sight, "So, how are we going to do this?"

"Do what?"

"Sneak in, obviously."

He thought for a second, "We're going to have to change our clothes, and hide our faces. Something like a cloak would help, but where will we get them?"

Then, out of no where, two travelers popped through the bushes. Wearing cloaks. Perfect. It was like the Gods have bestowed this opportunity purposely, it was no coincidence. I looked at them, then looked at Laurance. We both nodded and walked up to them.

"Hey, folks!" I greeted walking up to them, "You're wearing really lovely cloaks there. Can we have them?"

They stared at us confused but scoffed and continued to walk away, completely ignoring us.

Laurance grabbed their shoulders, "I don't think you heard the lady. Give us the cloaks."

I noticed some bling shine through the cloth, suggesting that they're thieves. "Why should we?" one of them spat.

Laurance sighed but smirked right afterwards, "Looks like we're going to have to take them, n/n."

They pulled out a dagger each and braced themselves, "Come get them, then."

"Awe," I cooed, "it's cute that you think that your flimsy daggers can defeat two Shadow Knights." and just like that I appeared behind one of them, grabbing their wrists and twisted their arm until they dropped the weapon.

But I didn't stop.

I continued to twist until both shoulder blades were sticking out. "Oh fuck." I gagged. What did I just do? The theif was screaming in pain but I was frozen, did I really just do that? It was unnecessary. They dropped the dagger. I could've just let them go. Why wont they stop screaming?

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I cried, holding onto my ears.

"You heard her, be quiet." Laurance said calmly, "you'll draw over attention, and that really won't be good."

Of course they didn't stop screaming. My eyes were closed and my ears were covered, fuckkk I don't like this. I felt arms around me. The cloak was gently wrapped around me. How could he be so calm?

As heartless as this sounds, his warmth has completely calmed me down, and he handed me the dagger, "You want to do it?"

Without speaking or looking at him I took the knife and walked over to the theif. I couldn't look at them either. but I placed the tip of the dagger to their chest and finally looked at him. I glided it through his clothes. His flesh. His bone. His heart. I could see the life draining from his eyes. Fucking asshole got blood on my disguise.

Holy shit I have just killed someone.

Laurance held his hand out. I took it and he helped me up. I wrapped my arms around him still trembling, but I wasn't crying. What's wrong with me? He wrapped one arm around my waist and another was on my head. This was really comforting.

I knew it was wrong, but I still killed them anyway. I still watched them as their eyes turned dark and out of focus.

"You know, if you stopped playing so hard to get I could make you tremble like this." he stated.

I let go of him and took a step back, looking at him with disgust. He gave me a weak and awkward smile like he knew it was a step too far.

I mean, it's not like we just murdered 2 people or anything.

He was taken aback when he realised I was smiling. Not just smiling though, I began to laugh hesterically, "you wish!" I forced out.

He put a finger on my lips shushing me, "Shh, someone's coming." He was right, there were two people - guards -  sprinting over to where we were.

"The scream came from over here!" one of them shouted.

Laurance pointed up and I nodded, we both jumped up and climbed a tree, "Them too?" he asked, "you killed once, so you can do it again."

I punched his stomach, "How are you like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"First of all, whenever you get excited or happy about anything you tell yourself off. And secondly, you can just kill people so easily. You're taking someone's life, how are you okay with that?"

"Shadow Knights can't show that type of emotion remember? Apparently it's too... Jolly. And like I said before, after you've done it once it's easy to do it again. You've probably killed people back before you died."

He was right though. If I was a guard, it would be likely that I did kill someone. The thought sent shivers down my spine, "That doesn't mean we should go around killing everyone."

"You're right." he admitted, "come on then, let's get into Meteli."

I nodded and we left, jumping thropugh the trees and sneaking through a hidden enterence into the village. I was subconsciously looking around in hopes that Vylad would show up again out of no where. I keep thinking of his face when I turned around after Laurance kissed me. I keep thinking about what might've happened if I had the guts to kiss him sooner, or at least tell him how I felt. Not in the Nether though, I was too confused to know how I felt - I still am. I should've said something to him before I died. He might not have ran away if I did. Maybe I'd be with him right now if I did.

As a Shadow Knight, I shouldn't feel. As a person, I'm scared to feel. I can't tell him how I feel, I'm scared he'd leave me, one way or another. But... which one am I talking about?

I shook off the feeling. "How did you know this was here?"

"I used to sneak out as a kid. I lived here, remember?"


I'm uploading early again bc im procrastinating from my school work lol

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now