12- I Don't Trust Him

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Cadenza's POV

(Ik it's usually yours but it's a lot easier for me this way.)

While trapped in Y/n's embrace, I gestured Laurance to leave. He looked confused but did as I requested.

"Where's he going?" Y/n asked, I shook my head as if I had no clue.

"So, what are you going to do now?" I questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to go back to Vylad?"

"Uh- um- I don't know, maybe? I mean there's no certainty he'll take me back anyway-"

I sighed, "Do you want to go back to him?"

"Well, yeah, sort of..."

"You were finally getting over him though! It's not fair for him to just come back in your life and you go running into his arms."

"Shut up," she demanded, "he's not some random ex that broke my heart then buggered off. He died for me. Why are you so against this?"

I looked at her awkwardly and braced myself for her reaction to what I was about to say. She's not going to like this.

"I knew he was alive."

All of y/n's excitement, joy and hope all faded away. "You what?"

"He came to Meteli, about a year ago. He came for you, he wanted to take you with him. His eyes were," I started thinking about it, the fear of our encounter crawled into my skin. He wasn't the same boy we all knew. I shook it off, "they were different. I thought he wanted to kill you, turn you into a Shadow Knight as well. I refused to hand you over and as he was about to make his next move, Vincent came over and he ran off."

I couldn't tell what her expression was. It seemed like mostly anger or sadness though.

"I'm sorry-" I began

"Don't speak." she interrupted, still processing the information. "I don't want to be here anymore." she turned around and opened the door.

Laurance was sat down leaning against the wall next to the door. He turned and stood up when he realised y/n had walked out, "she's all yours, buttercup." she joked, messing up his hair then strolled off. Her voice was full of the same hope, joy and enthusiasm from when they both had just arrived. There she goes, bottling up her emotions again. Despite this, her body language showed otherwise.

Laurance walked in, noticing the hurt in my eyes. He gave me a strange look so I sighed, gesturing for him to shut the door. He closed it gently and sat down.

"She wasn't always like this." I began, "Being flirty I mean. Up until a couple years ago, she was one of the most shy and frigid people I ever met. She looked away every time someone even looked at her or tried to make a conversation and she winced by even the slightest physical contact. " I giggled, "It was sweet, she was sweet. She still is. When she met Vylad at 14, he totally opened her up. They were closer than me and her right now. They started dating when she was 15, it was probably the happiest she has ever been her whole life, her eyes were always glistening and full of joy. She changed, he changed her. She was more extroverted and energetic, always on the move and very social.

When Vylad died 2 years ago, she changed again. She went back her timid self for months, of course she was doing her guard work but she kept interaction with others to the minimal. As time passed, she eventually got optimistic and energetic again, though it all seemed like an act. She wasn't connecting with anyone, emotionally that is. Her eyes were still dull, still matte, still... Dead."

Laurance was visibly confused as to why I'm telling him this.

"Recently her shine has returned, it's a very subtle change but I recognised it. She was finally moving on."

"What's this got to do with me?" he interrogated.

"When we were all together - when you came back - I noticed something. She kept looking at you. I couldn't tell why. I mean there was all the men in Meteli she has known for ages, there was - and don't take this the wrong way - there was Garroth and Katelyn. She could've looked at so many other people, but her gaze always finished on you. I doubt you noticed, you're too love blind over Aphmau, I know she's a lovely girl, Laurance, but she's just not right for you. Don't say anything though, I doubt even Y/n noticed what she was doing. That's why I begged you to stop being an ass and judging her because of your first meeting."

The emotion y/n had in her eyes when she was around Vylad had finally come back. It became clear to me when she looked at Laurance earlier, I don't care that we were talking about Vylad. She didn't look that that because of him.

He nodded, obviously still processing what I had just told him, "I kissed her."

"You WHAT!? This is brilliant!" I was right, I knew she-

Laurance interrupted my energized burst, "She didn't kiss me back."

I laughed, "Well of course she didn't. There's two ways to get her to kiss you: he first way isn't your, um, style... anymore at least. And the second way, you need to make her feel safe, make her feel special. She won't open up to you until she's sure about her feelings. Which she's always contradicting by the way."

Just then, Y/n knocked on the door, entering before I had the chance to say 'come in'.

"It's going to get dark soon, we should get back to Phoenix Drop."

"Right." he agreed, I grabbed his shoulder giving him a hug and whispering.

"Don't let her go back to Vylad. I don't trust him."

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now