28- Don't Start Drooling

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As we were running, we heard some people on horses near us, looking for someone - obviously us.

After we found a safe place to hide, we finally stopped running. "This is a massive drawback. She's going to spread the news to everyone," complained Laurance, "even Aphmau."

"Yeah, but who's going to believe her? Aphmau saw me die didn't she-" I stopped myself, looking at Laurance joyfully. I jumped up shouting, "I remember how I died!" there was Aphmau, there were... Werewolves? A werewolf killed me because I protecting someone. Who was it? I've remembered so much, even despite the time that I've been up here only being short, but why can't I shake the feeling that I can't remember the most important part?

"Keep your voice down, the guards might hear you." Laurance ordered, "Anyway, that's not important right now. Even if people don't believe her or come looking for us, they'll at least keep a sharp eye out. It's not the sort of thing you hear everyday." Laurance sighed, drawing my attention. As soon as my eyes met his, I could feel the sparkle in my own as we both stayed silent.

I was protecting him.

"Yeah, but I think you'll really be interested in this information, cutie." I replied matter-of-factly.

"The fact that you're flirting right now tells me otherwise."

"I wasn't flirting, you over-confident bastard, that's just my personality and you should know that by now."

"Mhm, yeah," he agreed, clearly not listening to me, "we can talk about it after we get Zane back. The quicker the better, remember?"

I sighed and walked off, "fine."

"Where are you going?" he asked.

Mockingly I replied, "To Phoenix Drop, duh."

"Shouldn't we wait till dark?"

"Nope. The quicker we get Zane back, the better. Remember?"

He grunted at my stubbornness, "We need a better disguise than this."

"How could we possible get better disguises than these?" I asked, "We literally killed for them."

"First of all," he mocked me, "these cloaks are way too suspicious for Pheonix Drop, since the village is so small. Second of all, we need to mask our faces in case something happens."

I sighed, he was right. "Fine. But where are we going to change our faces?"

He smirked smugly, "Oh, I know just the place."

I looked at him fearfully, "What do you mean? What place?"

He was ignoring me.

He continued to walk away, "Laurance, what place?" I asked again, with still no answer. I sighed in defeat, jogging to catch up with him as he continued to walk in silence, drowning out every word escaping my mouth.


"We're here." Laurance finally announced, we had been walking for what felt like hours.

"Finally!" I exclaimed, "You realise we probably could've broke him out by now. And that's on you."

"Emphasis on probably." he said, knocking on the door of some small hut, "Isabella? It's me, Laurance. I've bought a-" he eyed me, thinking about something, "an acquaintance."

"AN ACQUAINTANCE?" I shouted at him. I don't really know why I got so angry, but I guess it's because we've been through a lot together I should be a bit better than just an acquaintance.

"You're right," he agreed, "more like forced co-worker."

I grunted in anger, picking up a huge ass log and whacking him round the head, "Forced co-worker me now, bitch."

He was laying on the ground, not moving, so I poked him with the log. He's still breathing, so he's fine.

After forgetting about my surroundings, the door to the small hut opened revealing a tiny, old woman. (just some random person I thought of to help the story lmao whoops) she sighed, looking at Laurance passed out on the ground. "He always teasing pretty young girls like you, dear. Thank you for finally being the one to teach him a lesson." not knowing how to reply, I smiled at her sweetly. Who is this woman anyway? And how does she know Laurance?

The woman grabbed his arms and gestured to me to grab his legs so we can take him in. There's no way all 3 of us can fit in that miniscule shed, but I followed her in anyway. Laurance knew her so she had to be at least semi-trustworthy, right?

Escaping my thoughts, I noticed we were walking down a staircase. I looked behind me to see a rectangle shaped light entrance - which must've been the open door - it automatically shut behind us leaving us in the ominous, derelict-like, dark. Turns out, the shack wasn't a shack at all, it's only purpose was to cover up a large stairway that lead to an even larger underground house- uh... lab, lair, home? "Wow..." I whispered in awe.

"Alright, don't start drooling." Isabella spat. I was about to snap back at her, but she had already began to throw Laurance down on a sofa placed in the middle of the never-ending, massive, wall-less, room.

"Tea?" she asked, not really waiting for an answer and walking into what I'm assuming was the Kitchen. I sat down next to Laurance and waited in silence.


Were almost at 600 reads AND 100 votes, thank yall tons I hella appreciate it :)

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