38- Just Friends.

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"I can't believe you're still eating that." Katelyn said,

"I'm savouring the taste and experience unlike you inhumane piles of trash." I explained like the mature woman I am,

"No, I mean why are you still eating with that bloody fork?" she asked,

"Aren't you supposed to eat with a fork?"

"That's not what I meant," she told me, "that fork literally has blood on it."

I gasped, "Are you kink shaming me?"

Laurance put his arm around me, which I was visibly confused with but I didn't really care as long as I still had my curry, taking one lovely, small, delicious bite at a time.

"Katelyn, how could you? That's so cruel!" He interrogated.

Whores, unite!

"Are you guys a couple or something?" Katelyn continued to question. I wasn't even going to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging a half-witted question such as that one.

I took another bite from my food.

"Yes." Laurance answered, resulting in me spitting out my food and releasing myself from his grip.

My curry :(

"No, we're not." I told him very sternly in hopes to get my point across,

"But we-"

"But we nothing!" I turned to Katelyn, "We're just friends."

"With benefits." she added.

"Excuse me?" I demanded, feeling very insulted. I mean yeah, but that's not for her to say.

"Laurance told everyone." she awkwardly grimaced and laughed nervously.

A growl-like sound released from my lips and I clenched my fists. Trying to keep my cool, I asked, "You what?"

"Well, um, you see-"

"We've literally been back for only 36 hours and you go spilling your guts about everything to everyone?"

"Only Garroth!" he baffled in defence,

"Don't use his name in vain!" I scalded him, "He would never be such a rat like you."

His head bowed realising the mistake, but his expression quickly changed into a gush of shock, "Gah!" he screamed, falling into a hole.

Usually, that would be funny, IF he didn't snatch my hand and take me down with him.

"Are you okay?" Katelyn shouted down.

Luckily, Laurance broke my fall again. "Yea-" I almost replied, but instead I noticed that my curry was spilled all over his face, "NO!" I cried, "my curry! you bastard!"

I lifted his shoulders up, and threw them back down creating a thump. "Ow!" he whined, "It's not my damned fault."

"Um, yes it is! You're the one that dragged me down here." I told him, turning to Katelyn. "Keep going, we'll see if we can find a way out from down here." she nodded and walked off, which I copied on the floor below her. Laurance wiped his face and caught up with me. "What do you want, talking Tom?" I snapped.

"Look, I'm sorry. Okay?" he 'apologised', "I just don't see the big deal, they're my friends."

"My friends too," I reminded him, "and I don't kiss and tell the minute I get the chance too, it's shallow, but that's not what I'm mad about anyway. It just sucks to be the last to know something that literally happened because of me, then finding out through some other girl. Kinda humiliating. I guess I just would've liked to know that they knew."

"I guess I didn't think about it like that," he admitted.

"Yeah, whatever. Over it." I said, sighing, "I guess I led you on, so it's not your fault. How long did you think we were dating, anyway?"

He looked away, I'm assuming out of embarrassment, "I don't want to talk about it."

I laughed awkwardly punching his arm, "Then I think I've probably cheated on you... A lot..."

He looked at me hurt, "Who?"

"I don't kiss and tell," I repeated.

"I never said you do, who was it?"

"If I told you that would be telling, dimwit."

"Ugh, this is so unfai-" he complained before falling into another hole and dragging me down with him again.

The only problem this time is that I was on the bottom this time. "Gee, thanks for caring about my safety." I said sarcastically.

How many damn holes are there?!

He lifted himself up with his arms, but didn't actually move. His face was dangerously close to mine,

"Of course I care about your safety."

I wanted to come back with something sly, or maybe something along the lines of how thoughtful it is for him forcing me to fall with him, but there was this one overpowering thought that I couldn't get out of my mind.

"You smell like curry." I whispered, causing him to chuckle lightly.

"Want to see if taste like it?" he whispered back, slowly inching his lips closer and closer to mine until our noses were touching.

I gently nodded my head, making sure not to move too drastically. "Just friends." I told him, but my voice didn't sound like the tone in my head, it sounded uncertain and quiver-y.

"We'll see." Laurance smirked, finally placing his soft, perfect lips onto mine.

And, to my surprise, he actually tasted like curry.


Guys I'm not even gun lie to you I don't know what my hype is about curry, I'm a vegetarian lmao, I haven't eaten chicken for over 2 years lollll.

I think i said this before, but I dont plan my stories I just impulse write with a couple ideas that I want to incorporate into it here and there.

Honestly, I really wanted curry to get on Laurance so I wasn't gonna give up until I made that happen, I know you were eating for an unnatural amount of time compared to everyone else.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now