6- It's The Truth

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I pushed my body closer to his, just to make sure there wasn't a gap for anyone to see, but it didn't help his cause.

"Hey, Aph," I said,

"NO! I'm not joining!"

"Ew no! What the fuck is wrong with you? Laurance stormed off," I pointed to a now small outline of him walking by a tree.

"Oh , right," Aph said, "you coming?"

Travis whispered, "not yet, oh Irene."

"Um, no, I'm actually pretty cold so we're gonna stay here." my lie was terrible. I'm kina cold bitch I'm fucking crazy. This is what happens when you can't deal with pressure.

"... Okay." Aphmau said suspiciously as she walked off.

I pushed Travis off me and turned my back to him, covering my eyes. "I-I'm so sorry!" he apologised.

"It's fine," I said, "how long did that even last? 2 minutes max."

He chuckled, "It's been a while."

"No shit," I replied, "I'm heading up to find Laurance, catch up when you're ready."

"He likes you, you know." Travis informed, "why else would be have stormed off?"

"Because he doesn't like being wrong?" I told him, my tone in a questioning yet insulting, sarcastic manner, "guys like him have too much pride to be even fractionally incorrect."

I smiled a bit at the thought of his stubbornness, but then shook it off and blew air through my nose, "It's stupid."

(that's my way of saying she laughed. Like you know when you see a meme and laugh but like it's not a proper full on laugh?)

"True," he replied, "there does seem to be something going on with him and Aphmau. Your friends are weird."

"Not my friends, barely know them." I walked off.


I ran up to Laurance and Aphmau, "Hey," I greeted, Aph seemed to smile as a reply.

"Where's your new boyfriend?" Laurance interrogated angrily, why on the didly darn cathedral would he be upset?

"First of all, he isn't my boyfriend, and second of all, he's back there... Um, fixing his hair. But you should've guessed that; being the pretty boy casonova Cadenza told me you were." I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

He rolled his eyes, "It's not like that!"

Aphmau giggled, "It's so like that."

He gasped and looked at Aphmau in disbelief, "Not anymore! It feels wrong if I go around flirting with other girls now."

I looked at him strangely, then why was he flirting with me earlier? Was he forcing it to try and get along with me? Was I imagining it?

But then, out of no where, we all started laughing.

Travis came up to us and pointed to where our boat should be, "I don't think that's supposed to happen."

We stare at him for a moment, being confused, then converted our attention to the subject at hand.

I don't think anyones laughing now.

The ship was up in flames. Now realising it, the atmosphere did seem a bit warmer. What the hell was Katelyn doing with those kids? I turned to run off towards them, and I had noticed Aph already half way there. She's quick for someone with really short legs.

"No shit, Sherlock." Laurance snapped at him and ran towards Aphmau and the others, Travis and I not far behind him.

Katelyn was on the ground... "The kids... He took the kids. I'm so sorry."

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now