42- Lmao Watch Me

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"I can't believe you've stuck me with these two morons." Katelyn sighed, implying that me and Travis were the morons which is TOTALLY incorrect, by the way. We were all sitting around a fire like a bunch of young teenagers camping. Travis and I were having mini competitions such as the chubby bunny challenge, who can make/eat the most smores in a specific amount of time, or just trying to throw the marshmallows in each others mouth.

"That was rude," I informed her, just before catching a another marshmallow, "We're not that bad."

"You can switch with me if you want." Laurance offered. At first, I didn't think that what he said affected me, but then Travis low-key pointed out that I looked excited, or at least happy. I guess he was right, but no way in hell am I going to admit it... he's just my best friend's brother for crying out loud.

My best friends shitting brother. Holy fucking shit. This is so wrong. I shouldn't even be close to him, he should think I'm disgusting still-

"No, I'll stay instead." Garroth broke me from my mind-prison, "Laurance could use this time to catch up with Aphmau, I mean he did dissappear for a lot of the year." hearing this was a bit relieving, until Travis started to speak and I instantly glared at him.

"Surely with that Philosophy, y/n should go too." he admitted, thinking he was doing me a favour, but he really wasn't.

"I thought about that too," Aphmau explained, "but y/n doesn't know many people from the village, so, bearing this in mind as well as, uh, a few other things, I thought it would be best if she stayed here."

"Hallelujah!" I preached, a bit too enthusiastically, "You are right, 100%, totally and utterly correct. I hate meeting new people; new names, new personality, new judgemental knob-wards. No thank you."

"Really?" Travis asked in disbelief, "I took you for a massive extrovert."

"Yeah, me too!" Aphmau agreed.

"Wow, guys," Laurance 'tutted', "being confident doesn't mean you like to socialise."

I pointed at Laurance with thanks, but spoke to everyone else, "He gets it."

"Okay, so it's settled," Aphmau announced, "Laurance, Katelyn and I will leave tomorrow; and y/n, Travis and Garroth can stay to try an terminate any imps they find as well as think of a good layout to build on for the alliance." wait. I didnt sign up for that-- "Okay goodnight!"

We had three tents that could fit two people each, so everyone decided that Katelyn and Aphmau would have one, Garroth and Laurance would have one, then Travis and I would have one.

Originally, I was planning on sharing with Laurance because it just made the most sense. However, I really wasn't comfortable with that since I knew he would try to have a conversation with me, and I don't know how I can talk to him when I barely understand how I feel towards him. I don't want to lead him on anymore. So, since I'm closest to Travis after Laurance, I shared with him instead. Though I really wish I chose Garroth because he's not perverted like the green-eyed dog.

While everyone was taking everything off the boat that we might need, Aphmau and I were setting up the tents.

"Hey, Aph," I start, "could you do me a favour?"

"Yeah, what's up?" She replied, not getting a response from me. I drifted into my own world, trying to find a way to word what I want to say. "What do you want me to do?" She asked again, politely getting my attention.

"When you get to Phoenix Drop, could you keep an eye out for Vylad for me?" I ask, avoiding eye contact and focusing on setting up the tents.

"Sure, though we haven't seen him for a few months." She agrees.

"That's okay. If you see him, tell him I'm sorry."

We finished the last tent and she looks up to me like she wants to ask a question. Before she managed to, Katelyn and the others come back and we all find our assigned tents. I scanned the area and looked at Laurance briefly, he looked as if he wanted to say something but I looked away and started to get in my tent while saying a quick 'goodbye' to everyone on my way in.

"Why didn't you want to go with Aphmau?" Travis questioned, wondering why I was acting so weird earlier.

"I told you," I replied, "the less people I talk to, the better."

"But it's not just that. You've only spoken to me all night, unless it was a group conversation. You're avoiding him, aren't you?"

How did he know?

"You saw right through me," I sighed, bowing my head and admitted, "I think... I think you were right."

He smirked at me with superiority, "I so knew it. But, what changed your mind?"

I laughed, "For starters, this is a perfect setup for me to just kiss you right now, I probably would of by now under normal circumstances, but I don't want to. In fact, I'm gagging at the thought of it."

"Thanks," he chuckled, "I love how you always shower me with compliments."

"He probably doesn't feel the same way, so there's no point stressing about it."

"You have got to be shitting me," he scoffed, "he literally thought you were dating for months, dumbass."

I laughed at the memory, "Oh yeah, that was funny."

... Wait, did he say months?

"So what's the plan?" He asked.

"Keep avoiding him until I get over myself." I told him, proud with my idea.

"That's terrible. You can't do that."

"What, why?"

"Because you're not listening to yourself and it'll make everything worse. You can't ignore everything just because you don't want it."

"I so can."

"No you can't!"

"Lmao watch me." I challenged, turning over and falling asleep, drowning out each of his protests.


Omg I'm more active on here? Idk how or why but Its happening

Also that victorious song juts popped into my head when I was writing this so 🤷‍♂️

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now