18- Sayonara, Casanova

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Despite the marriage being totally unwanted and sudden, as well as being tied up to a chair with three other people, being heavily supervised, it's actually quite beautiful. And so was my outfit. Even though it's flashy, it didn't even come close to Aphmau's dress.

"Why am I at the back and he's at the front?" I annoyingly asked the guard, who coldly ignored me.

"It's a real bad idea to put him at the front." I continued, receiving a skeptical look from the guard.

"-Oh! And me at the back. He gets really emotional at weddings and I'm the only one that can keep him quiet."

He scoffed, "How am I supposed to believe that when you don't shut up yourself?"

I glared at him for a moment, but soon went back to my previous expression. "I promise to be silent if you move him next to me!"

God, I feel like an 11 year old. Fortunately-ish though, he sighed and began to untie my hands.

"What? No bring him here."

"I'll do what I want. I'm the one in charge here, not you."

I didn't reply. At least he's not alone anymore, I guess.

"Hold my hand," Laurance told me.

"What?" he's so random.

"It makes us more believable." he continued.

"What? And me begging to be moved next to you isn't believable enough?"

"Just do it." He ordered, slightly taking me aback.

I rolled my eyes, taking his hand somehow through the restraints. "I hate you."

Aphmau started walking down the Isle with Queen Ylva. Her flowing white dress didn't pick up a single particle of dust as it followed behind her delicate footsteps. It was gorgeous yet devistating. It looked like a fantasy, something out of a dream, yet it was terrible nightmare.

Once she reached the alter and looked at the prince, Laurance squeezed my hand tight. I glanced over at him to see his eyes filled with an indescribable feeling, he's clearly not very happy. He started to sweat, like he was fighting something, making me sweatdrop as well. I nudged his foot with mine, snapping him out of whatever that was.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

His grip on my hand loosened, "Hm? Yeah, I'm fine."

I didn't believe him, "We're going to find a way out of this. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Let's just watch." He said, letting go of my hand. The movement made my heart sink. He really loves her. I took mine back and held it with my other hand, looking down at them.

I didn't say anything after that, I shook off whatever I was feeling and watched the ceremony. I can tell that neither of them want this - actually no one wants this. The only person who does is that damned king.


They were about to say their I do's. Those are supposed to be the most beautiful part of a wedding ceremony, but not in this case. This time, it's the most horrifying.

"I do." the Prince said hesistently, looking towards Abby then down at his feet. Laurance started to fidget. He's not the only one, I looked behind us and noticed that Abby wasn't sitting too still either.

Aphmau was silent for a fat second. "... I do..."

Just as they were about to kiss, something happened. It took me a couple seconds to adjust, but once I gathered what was happening... it was Laurance. He turned into a Shadow Knight. He was relentlessly murdering every single one of the werewolves. For a while, I couldn't muster up anything to do apart from just sit there and admire him. However, once I realised this was real life, and he was actually murdering people, I though that it was probably a good idea for someone to step in. But should I be the one to interrupt?

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now